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* Spine Runtimes Software License v2.5
* Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Esoteric Software
* All rights reserved.
* You are granted a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and
* non-transferable license to use, install, execute, and perform the Spine
* Runtimes software and derivative works solely for personal or internal
* use. Without the written permission of Esoteric Software (see Section 2 of
* the Spine Software License Agreement), you may not (a) modify, translate,
* adapt, or develop new applications using the Spine Runtimes or otherwise
* create derivative works or improvements of the Spine Runtimes or (b) remove,
* delete, alter, or obscure any trademarks or any copyright, trademark, patent,
* or other intellectual property or proprietary rights notices on or in the
* Software, including any copy thereof. Redistributions in binary or source
* form must include this license and terms.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Spine.Unity.Modules.AttachmentTools {
public static class AttachmentRegionExtensions {
#region GetRegion
/// <summary>
/// Tries to get the region (image) of a renderable attachment. If the attachment is not renderable, it returns null.</summary>
public static AtlasRegion GetRegion (this Attachment attachment) {
var renderableAttachment = attachment as IHasRendererObject;
if (renderableAttachment != null)
return renderableAttachment.RendererObject as AtlasRegion;
return null;
/// <summary>Gets the region (image) of a RegionAttachment</summary>
public static AtlasRegion GetRegion (this RegionAttachment regionAttachment) {
return regionAttachment.RendererObject as AtlasRegion;
/// <summary>Gets the region (image) of a MeshAttachment</summary>
public static AtlasRegion GetRegion (this MeshAttachment meshAttachment) {
return meshAttachment.RendererObject as AtlasRegion;
#region SetRegion
/// <summary>
/// Tries to set the region (image) of a renderable attachment. If the attachment is not renderable, nothing is applied.</summary>
public static void SetRegion (this Attachment attachment, AtlasRegion region, bool updateOffset = true) {
var regionAttachment = attachment as RegionAttachment;
if (regionAttachment != null)
regionAttachment.SetRegion(region, updateOffset);
var meshAttachment = attachment as MeshAttachment;
if (meshAttachment != null)
meshAttachment.SetRegion(region, updateOffset);
/// <summary>Sets the region (image) of a RegionAttachment</summary>
public static void SetRegion (this RegionAttachment attachment, AtlasRegion region, bool updateOffset = true) {
if (region == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("region");
// (AtlasAttachmentLoader.cs)
attachment.RendererObject = region;
attachment.SetUVs(region.u, region.v, region.u2, region.v2, region.rotate);
attachment.regionOffsetX = region.offsetX;
attachment.regionOffsetY = region.offsetY;
attachment.regionWidth = region.width;
attachment.regionHeight = region.height;
attachment.regionOriginalWidth = region.originalWidth;
attachment.regionOriginalHeight = region.originalHeight;
if (updateOffset) attachment.UpdateOffset();
/// <summary>Sets the region (image) of a MeshAttachment</summary>
public static void SetRegion (this MeshAttachment attachment, AtlasRegion region, bool updateUVs = true) {
if (region == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("region");
// (AtlasAttachmentLoader.cs)
attachment.RendererObject = region;
attachment.RegionU = region.u;
attachment.RegionV = region.v;
attachment.RegionU2 = region.u2;
attachment.RegionV2 = region.v2;
attachment.RegionRotate = region.rotate;
attachment.regionOffsetX = region.offsetX;
attachment.regionOffsetY = region.offsetY;
attachment.regionWidth = region.width;
attachment.regionHeight = region.height;
attachment.regionOriginalWidth = region.originalWidth;
attachment.regionOriginalHeight = region.originalHeight;
if (updateUVs) attachment.UpdateUVs();
#region Runtime RegionAttachments
/// <summary>
/// Creates a RegionAttachment based on a sprite. This method creates a real, usable AtlasRegion. That AtlasRegion uses a new AtlasPage with the Material provided./// </summary>
public static RegionAttachment ToRegionAttachment (this Sprite sprite, Material material, float rotation = 0f) {
return sprite.ToRegionAttachment(material.ToSpineAtlasPage(), rotation);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a RegionAttachment based on a sprite. This method creates a real, usable AtlasRegion. That AtlasRegion uses the AtlasPage provided./// </summary>
public static RegionAttachment ToRegionAttachment (this Sprite sprite, AtlasPage page, float rotation = 0f) {
if (sprite == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("sprite");
if (page == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("page");
var region = sprite.ToAtlasRegion(page);
var unitsPerPixel = 1f / sprite.pixelsPerUnit;
return region.ToRegionAttachment(, unitsPerPixel, rotation);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion that uses a premultiplied alpha duplicate texture of the Sprite's texture data. Returns a RegionAttachment that uses it. Use this if you plan to use a premultiply alpha shader such as "Spine/Skeleton"</summary>
public static RegionAttachment ToRegionAttachmentPMAClone (this Sprite sprite, Shader shader, TextureFormat textureFormat = AtlasUtilities.SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = AtlasUtilities.UseMipMaps, Material materialPropertySource = null, float rotation = 0f) {
if (sprite == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("sprite");
if (shader == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("shader");
var region = sprite.ToAtlasRegionPMAClone(shader, textureFormat, mipmaps, materialPropertySource);
var unitsPerPixel = 1f / sprite.pixelsPerUnit;
return region.ToRegionAttachment(, unitsPerPixel, rotation);
public static RegionAttachment ToRegionAttachmentPMAClone (this Sprite sprite, Material materialPropertySource, TextureFormat textureFormat = AtlasUtilities.SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = AtlasUtilities.UseMipMaps, float rotation = 0f) {
return sprite.ToRegionAttachmentPMAClone(materialPropertySource.shader, textureFormat, mipmaps, materialPropertySource, rotation);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new RegionAttachment from a given AtlasRegion.</summary>
public static RegionAttachment ToRegionAttachment (this AtlasRegion region, string attachmentName, float scale = 0.01f, float rotation = 0f) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachmentName)) throw new System.ArgumentException("attachmentName can't be null or empty.", "attachmentName");
if (region == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("region");
// (AtlasAttachmentLoader.cs)
var attachment = new RegionAttachment(attachmentName);
attachment.RendererObject = region;
attachment.SetUVs(region.u, region.v, region.u2, region.v2, region.rotate);
attachment.regionOffsetX = region.offsetX;
attachment.regionOffsetY = region.offsetY;
attachment.regionWidth = region.width;
attachment.regionHeight = region.height;
attachment.regionOriginalWidth = region.originalWidth;
attachment.regionOriginalHeight = region.originalHeight;
attachment.Path =;
attachment.scaleX = 1;
attachment.scaleY = 1;
attachment.rotation = rotation;
attachment.r = 1;
attachment.g = 1;
attachment.b = 1;
attachment.a = 1;
// pass OriginalWidth and OriginalHeight because UpdateOffset uses it in its calculation.
attachment.width = attachment.regionOriginalWidth * scale;
attachment.height = attachment.regionOriginalHeight * scale;
return attachment;
/// <summary> Sets the scale. Call regionAttachment.UpdateOffset to apply the change.</summary>
public static void SetScale (this RegionAttachment regionAttachment, Vector2 scale) {
regionAttachment.scaleX = scale.x;
regionAttachment.scaleY = scale.y;
/// <summary> Sets the scale. Call regionAttachment.UpdateOffset to apply the change.</summary>
public static void SetScale (this RegionAttachment regionAttachment, float x, float y) {
regionAttachment.scaleX = x;
regionAttachment.scaleY = y;
/// <summary> Sets the position offset. Call regionAttachment.UpdateOffset to apply the change.</summary>
public static void SetPositionOffset (this RegionAttachment regionAttachment, Vector2 offset) {
regionAttachment.x = offset.x;
regionAttachment.y = offset.y;
/// <summary> Sets the position offset. Call regionAttachment.UpdateOffset to apply the change.</summary>
public static void SetPositionOffset (this RegionAttachment regionAttachment, float x, float y) {
regionAttachment.x = x;
regionAttachment.y = y;
/// <summary> Sets the rotation. Call regionAttachment.UpdateOffset to apply the change.</summary>
public static void SetRotation (this RegionAttachment regionAttachment, float rotation) {
regionAttachment.rotation = rotation;
public static class AtlasUtilities {
internal const TextureFormat SpineTextureFormat = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
internal const float DefaultMipmapBias = -0.5f;
internal const bool UseMipMaps = false;
internal const float DefaultScale = 0.01f;
const int NonrenderingRegion = -1;
public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion (this Texture2D t, Material materialPropertySource, float scale = DefaultScale) {
return t.ToAtlasRegion(materialPropertySource.shader, scale, materialPropertySource);
public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion (this Texture2D t, Shader shader, float scale = DefaultScale, Material materialPropertySource = null) {
var material = new Material(shader);
if (materialPropertySource != null) {
material.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords;
material.mainTexture = t;
var page = material.ToSpineAtlasPage();
float width = t.width;
float height = t.height;
var region = new AtlasRegion(); =;
region.index = -1;
region.rotate = false;
// World space units
Vector2 boundsMin =, boundsMax = new Vector2(width, height) * scale;
// Texture space/pixel units
region.width = (int)width;
region.originalWidth = (int)width;
region.height = (int)height;
region.originalHeight = (int)height;
region.offsetX = width * (0.5f - InverseLerp(boundsMin.x, boundsMax.x, 0));
region.offsetY = height * (0.5f - InverseLerp(boundsMin.y, boundsMax.y, 0));
// Use the full area of the texture.
region.u = 0;
region.v = 1;
region.u2 = 1;
region.v2 = 0;
region.x = 0;
region.y = 0; = page;
return region;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion that uses a premultiplied alpha duplicate of the Sprite's texture data.</summary>
public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegionPMAClone (this Texture2D t, Material materialPropertySource, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps) {
return t.ToAtlasRegionPMAClone(materialPropertySource.shader, textureFormat, mipmaps, materialPropertySource);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion that uses a premultiplied alpha duplicate of the Sprite's texture data.</summary>
public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegionPMAClone (this Texture2D t, Shader shader, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, Material materialPropertySource = null) {
var material = new Material(shader);
if (materialPropertySource != null) {
material.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords;
var newTexture = t.GetClone(false, textureFormat, mipmaps);
newTexture.ApplyPMA(true); = + "-pma-"; = +;
material.mainTexture = newTexture;
var page = material.ToSpineAtlasPage();
var region = newTexture.ToAtlasRegion(shader); = page;
return region;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new Spine.AtlasPage from a UnityEngine.Material. If the material has a preassigned texture, the page width and height will be set.</summary>
public static AtlasPage ToSpineAtlasPage (this Material m) {
var newPage = new AtlasPage {
rendererObject = m,
name =
var t = m.mainTexture;
if (t != null) {
newPage.width = t.width;
newPage.height = t.height;
return newPage;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion from a UnityEngine.Sprite.</summary>
public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion (this Sprite s, AtlasPage page) {
if (page == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("page", "page cannot be null. AtlasPage determines which texture region belongs and how it should be rendered. You can use material.ToSpineAtlasPage() to get a shareable AtlasPage from a Material, or use the sprite.ToAtlasRegion(material) overload.");
var region = s.ToAtlasRegion(); = page;
return region;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion from a UnityEngine.Sprite. This creates a new AtlasPage object for every AtlasRegion you create. You can centralize Material control by creating a shared atlas page using Material.ToSpineAtlasPage and using the sprite.ToAtlasRegion(AtlasPage) overload.</summary>
public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion (this Sprite s, Material material) {
var region = s.ToAtlasRegion(); = material.ToSpineAtlasPage();
return region;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Spine.AtlasRegion that uses a premultiplied alpha duplicate of the Sprite's texture data.</summary>
public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegionPMAClone (this Sprite s, Shader shader, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, Material materialPropertySource = null) {
var material = new Material(shader);
if (materialPropertySource != null) {
material.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords;
var tex = s.ToTexture(false, textureFormat, mipmaps);
tex.ApplyPMA(true); = + "-pma-"; = +;
material.mainTexture = tex;
var page = material.ToSpineAtlasPage();
var region = s.ToAtlasRegion(true); = page;
return region;
public static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegionPMAClone (this Sprite s, Material materialPropertySource, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps) {
return s.ToAtlasRegionPMAClone(materialPropertySource.shader, textureFormat, mipmaps, materialPropertySource);
internal static AtlasRegion ToAtlasRegion (this Sprite s, bool isolatedTexture = false) {
var region = new AtlasRegion(); =;
region.index = -1;
region.rotate = s.packed && s.packingRotation != SpritePackingRotation.None;
// World space units
Bounds bounds = s.bounds;
Vector2 boundsMin = bounds.min, boundsMax = bounds.max;
// Texture space/pixel units
Rect spineRect = s.rect.SpineUnityFlipRect(s.texture.height);
region.width = (int)spineRect.width;
region.originalWidth = (int)spineRect.width;
region.height = (int)spineRect.height;
region.originalHeight = (int)spineRect.height;
region.offsetX = spineRect.width * (0.5f - InverseLerp(boundsMin.x, boundsMax.x, 0));
region.offsetY = spineRect.height * (0.5f - InverseLerp(boundsMin.y, boundsMax.y, 0));
if (isolatedTexture) {
region.u = 0;
region.v = 1;
region.u2 = 1;
region.v2 = 0;
region.x = 0;
region.y = 0;
} else {
Texture2D tex = s.texture;
Rect uvRect = TextureRectToUVRect(s.textureRect, tex.width, tex.height);
region.u = uvRect.xMin;
region.v = uvRect.yMax;
region.u2 = uvRect.xMax;
region.v2 = uvRect.yMin;
region.x = (int)spineRect.x;
region.y = (int)spineRect.y;
return region;
#region Runtime Repacking
/// <summary>
/// Fills the outputAttachments list with new attachment objects based on the attachments in sourceAttachments, but mapped to a new single texture using the same material.</summary>
/// <param name="sourceAttachments">The list of attachments to be repacked.</param>
/// <param name = "outputAttachments">The List(Attachment) to populate with the newly created Attachment objects.</param>
/// <param name="materialPropertySource">May be null. If no Material property source is provided, no special </param>
public static void GetRepackedAttachments (List<Attachment> sourceAttachments, List<Attachment> outputAttachments, Material materialPropertySource, out Material outputMaterial, out Texture2D outputTexture, int maxAtlasSize = 1024, int padding = 2, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, string newAssetName = "Repacked Attachments", bool clearCache = false, bool useOriginalNonrenderables = true) {
if (sourceAttachments == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("sourceAttachments");
if (outputAttachments == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("outputAttachments");
// Use these to detect and use shared regions.
var existingRegions = new Dictionary<AtlasRegion, int>();
var regionIndexes = new List<int>();
var texturesToPack = new List<Texture2D>();
var originalRegions = new List<AtlasRegion>();
int newRegionIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0, n = sourceAttachments.Count; i < n; i++) {
var originalAttachment = sourceAttachments[i];
if (IsRenderable(originalAttachment)) {
var newAttachment = originalAttachment.GetClone(true);
var region = newAttachment.GetRegion();
int existingIndex;
if (existingRegions.TryGetValue(region, out existingIndex)) {
regionIndexes.Add(existingIndex); // Store the region index for the eventual new attachment.
} else {
texturesToPack.Add(region.ToTexture()); // Add the texture to the PackTextures argument
existingRegions.Add(region, newRegionIndex); // Add the region to the dictionary of known regions
regionIndexes.Add(newRegionIndex); // Store the region index for the eventual new attachment.
outputAttachments[i] = newAttachment;
} else {
outputAttachments[i] = useOriginalNonrenderables ? originalAttachment : originalAttachment.GetClone(true);
regionIndexes.Add(NonrenderingRegion); // Output attachments pairs with regionIndexes list 1:1. Pad with a sentinel if the attachment doesn't have a region.
// Fill a new texture with the collected attachment textures.
var newTexture = new Texture2D(maxAtlasSize, maxAtlasSize, textureFormat, mipmaps);
newTexture.mipMapBias = AtlasUtilities.DefaultMipmapBias;
newTexture.anisoLevel = texturesToPack[0].anisoLevel; = newAssetName;
var rects = newTexture.PackTextures(texturesToPack.ToArray(), padding, maxAtlasSize);
// Rehydrate the repacked textures as a Material, Spine atlas and Spine.AtlasAttachments
Shader shader = materialPropertySource == null ? Shader.Find("Spine/Skeleton") : materialPropertySource.shader;
var newMaterial = new Material(shader);
if (materialPropertySource != null) {
newMaterial.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords;
} = newAssetName;
newMaterial.mainTexture = newTexture;
var page = newMaterial.ToSpineAtlasPage(); = newAssetName;
var repackedRegions = new List<AtlasRegion>();
for (int i = 0, n = originalRegions.Count; i < n; i++) {
var oldRegion = originalRegions[i];
var newRegion = UVRectToAtlasRegion(rects[i],, page, oldRegion.offsetX, oldRegion.offsetY, oldRegion.rotate);
// Map the cloned attachments to the repacked atlas.
for (int i = 0, n = outputAttachments.Count; i < n; i++) {
var a = outputAttachments[i];
if (IsRenderable(a))
// Clean up.
if (clearCache)
outputTexture = newTexture;
outputMaterial = newMaterial;
/// <summary>
/// Creates and populates a duplicate skin with cloned attachments that are backed by a new packed texture atlas comprised of all the regions from the original skin.</summary>
/// <remarks>No Spine.Atlas object is created so there is no way to find AtlasRegions except through the Attachments using them.</remarks>
public static Skin GetRepackedSkin (this Skin o, string newName, Material materialPropertySource, out Material outputMaterial, out Texture2D outputTexture, int maxAtlasSize = 1024, int padding = 2, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, bool useOriginalNonrenderables = true) {
return GetRepackedSkin(o, newName, materialPropertySource.shader, out outputMaterial, out outputTexture, maxAtlasSize, padding, textureFormat, mipmaps, materialPropertySource, useOriginalNonrenderables);
/// <summary>
/// Creates and populates a duplicate skin with cloned attachments that are backed by a new packed texture atlas comprised of all the regions from the original skin.</summary>
/// <remarks>No Spine.Atlas object is created so there is no way to find AtlasRegions except through the Attachments using them.</remarks>
public static Skin GetRepackedSkin (this Skin o, string newName, Shader shader, out Material outputMaterial, out Texture2D outputTexture, int maxAtlasSize = 1024, int padding = 2, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps, Material materialPropertySource = null, bool clearCache = false, bool useOriginalNonrenderables = true) {
if (o == null) throw new System.NullReferenceException("Skin was null");
var skinAttachments = o.Attachments;
var newSkin = new Skin(newName);
// Use these to detect and use shared regions.
var existingRegions = new Dictionary<AtlasRegion, int>();
var regionIndexes = new List<int>();
// Collect all textures from the attachments of the original skin.
var repackedAttachments = new List<Attachment>();
var texturesToPack = new List<Texture2D>();
var originalRegions = new List<AtlasRegion>();
int newRegionIndex = 0;
foreach (var skinEntry in skinAttachments) {
var originalKey = skinEntry.Key;
var originalAttachment = skinEntry.Value;
Attachment newAttachment;
if (IsRenderable(originalAttachment)) {
newAttachment = originalAttachment.GetClone(true);
var region = newAttachment.GetRegion();
int existingIndex;
if (existingRegions.TryGetValue(region, out existingIndex)) {
regionIndexes.Add(existingIndex); // Store the region index for the eventual new attachment.
} else {
texturesToPack.Add(region.ToTexture()); // Add the texture to the PackTextures argument
existingRegions.Add(region, newRegionIndex); // Add the region to the dictionary of known regions
regionIndexes.Add(newRegionIndex); // Store the region index for the eventual new attachment.
newSkin.AddAttachment(originalKey.slotIndex,, newAttachment);
} else {
newSkin.AddAttachment(originalKey.slotIndex,, useOriginalNonrenderables ? originalAttachment : originalAttachment.GetClone(true));
// Fill a new texture with the collected attachment textures.
var newTexture = new Texture2D(maxAtlasSize, maxAtlasSize, textureFormat, mipmaps);
newTexture.mipMapBias = AtlasUtilities.DefaultMipmapBias;
newTexture.anisoLevel = texturesToPack[0].anisoLevel; = newName;
var rects = newTexture.PackTextures(texturesToPack.ToArray(), padding, maxAtlasSize);
// Rehydrate the repacked textures as a Material, Spine atlas and Spine.AtlasAttachments
var newMaterial = new Material(shader);
if (materialPropertySource != null) {
newMaterial.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords;
} = newName;
newMaterial.mainTexture = newTexture;
var page = newMaterial.ToSpineAtlasPage(); = newName;
var repackedRegions = new List<AtlasRegion>();
for (int i = 0, n = originalRegions.Count; i < n; i++) {
var oldRegion = originalRegions[i];
var newRegion = UVRectToAtlasRegion(rects[i],, page, oldRegion.offsetX, oldRegion.offsetY, oldRegion.rotate);
// Map the cloned attachments to the repacked atlas.
for (int i = 0, n = repackedAttachments.Count; i < n; i++) {
var a = repackedAttachments[i];
if (IsRenderable(a))
// Clean up.
if (clearCache)
outputTexture = newTexture;
outputMaterial = newMaterial;
return newSkin;
public static Sprite ToSprite (this AtlasRegion ar, float pixelsPerUnit = 100) {
return Sprite.Create(ar.GetMainTexture(), ar.GetUnityRect(), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f), pixelsPerUnit);
static Dictionary<AtlasRegion, Texture2D> CachedRegionTextures = new Dictionary<AtlasRegion, Texture2D>();
static List<Texture2D> CachedRegionTexturesList = new List<Texture2D>();
public static void ClearCache () {
foreach (var t in CachedRegionTexturesList) {
/// <summary>Creates a new Texture2D object based on an AtlasRegion.
/// If applyImmediately is true, Texture2D.Apply is called immediately after the Texture2D is filled with data.</summary>
public static Texture2D ToTexture (this AtlasRegion ar, bool applyImmediately = true, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps) {
Texture2D output;
CachedRegionTextures.TryGetValue(ar, out output);
if (output == null) {
Texture2D sourceTexture = ar.GetMainTexture();
Rect r = ar.GetUnityRect(sourceTexture.height);
int width = (int)r.width;
int height = (int)r.height;
output = new Texture2D(width, height, textureFormat, mipmaps); =;
Color[] pixelBuffer = sourceTexture.GetPixels((int)r.x, (int)r.y, width, height);
CachedRegionTextures.Add(ar, output);
if (applyImmediately)
return output;
static Texture2D ToTexture (this Sprite s, bool applyImmediately = true, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps) {
var spriteTexture = s.texture;
var r = s.textureRect;
var spritePixels = spriteTexture.GetPixels((int)r.x, (int)r.y, (int)r.width, (int)r.height);
var newTexture = new Texture2D((int)r.width, (int)r.height, textureFormat, mipmaps);
if (applyImmediately)
return newTexture;
static Texture2D GetClone (this Texture2D t, bool applyImmediately = true, TextureFormat textureFormat = SpineTextureFormat, bool mipmaps = UseMipMaps) {
var spritePixels = t.GetPixels(0, 0, (int)t.width, (int)t.height);
var newTexture = new Texture2D((int)t.width, (int)t.height, textureFormat, mipmaps);
if (applyImmediately)
return newTexture;
static bool IsRenderable (Attachment a) {
return a is IHasRendererObject;
/// <summary>
/// Get a rect with flipped Y so that a Spine atlas rect gets converted to a Unity Sprite rect and vice versa.</summary>
static Rect SpineUnityFlipRect (this Rect rect, int textureHeight) {
rect.y = textureHeight - rect.y - rect.height;
return rect;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Rect of an AtlasRegion according to Unity texture coordinates (x-right, y-up).
/// This overload relies on being correctly set.</summary>
static Rect GetUnityRect (this AtlasRegion region) {
return region.GetSpineAtlasRect().SpineUnityFlipRect(;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Rect of an AtlasRegion according to Unity texture coordinates (x-right, y-up).</summary>
static Rect GetUnityRect (this AtlasRegion region, int textureHeight) {
return region.GetSpineAtlasRect().SpineUnityFlipRect(textureHeight);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a Rect of the AtlasRegion according to Spine texture coordinates. (x-right, y-down)</summary>
static Rect GetSpineAtlasRect (this AtlasRegion region, bool includeRotate = true) {
if (includeRotate && region.rotate)
return new Rect(region.x, region.y, region.height, region.width);
return new Rect(region.x, region.y, region.width, region.height);
/// <summary>
/// Denormalize a uvRect into a texture-space Rect.</summary>
static Rect UVRectToTextureRect (Rect uvRect, int texWidth, int texHeight) {
uvRect.x *= texWidth;
uvRect.width *= texWidth;
uvRect.y *= texHeight;
uvRect.height *= texHeight;
return uvRect;
/// <summary>
/// Normalize a texture Rect into UV coordinates.</summary>
static Rect TextureRectToUVRect (Rect textureRect, int texWidth, int texHeight) {
textureRect.x = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, texWidth, textureRect.x);
textureRect.y = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, texHeight, textureRect.y);
textureRect.width = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, texWidth, textureRect.width);
textureRect.height = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, texHeight, textureRect.height);
return textureRect;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new Spine AtlasRegion according to a Unity UV Rect (x-right, y-up, uv-normalized).</summary>
static AtlasRegion UVRectToAtlasRegion (Rect uvRect, string name, AtlasPage page, float offsetX, float offsetY, bool rotate) {
var tr = UVRectToTextureRect(uvRect, page.width, page.height);
var rr = tr.SpineUnityFlipRect(page.height);
int x = (int)rr.x, y = (int)rr.y;
int w, h;
if (rotate) {
w = (int)rr.height;
h = (int)rr.width;
} else {
w = (int)rr.width;
h = (int)rr.height;
return new AtlasRegion {
page = page,
name = name,
u = uvRect.xMin,
u2 = uvRect.xMax,
v = uvRect.yMax,
v2 = uvRect.yMin,
index = -1,
width = w,
originalWidth = w,
height = h,
originalHeight = h,
offsetX = offsetX,
offsetY = offsetY,
x = x,
y = y,
rotate = rotate
/// <summary>
/// Convenience method for getting the main texture of the material of the page of the region.</summary>
static Texture2D GetMainTexture (this AtlasRegion region) {
var material = ( as Material);
return material.mainTexture as Texture2D;
static void ApplyPMA (this Texture2D texture, bool applyImmediately = true) {
var pixels = texture.GetPixels();
for (int i = 0, n = pixels.Length; i < n; i++) {
Color p = pixels[i];
float a = p.a;
p.r = p.r * a;
p.g = p.g * a;
p.b = p.b * a;
pixels[i] = p;
if (applyImmediately)
static float InverseLerp (float a, float b, float value) {
return (value - a) / (b - a);
public static class SkinUtilities {
#region Skeleton Skin Extensions
/// <summary>
/// Convenience method for duplicating a skeleton's current active skin so changes to it will not affect other skeleton instances. .</summary>
public static Skin UnshareSkin (this Skeleton skeleton, bool includeDefaultSkin, bool unshareAttachments, AnimationState state = null) {
// 1. Copy the current skin and set the skeleton's skin to the new one.
var newSkin = skeleton.GetClonedSkin("cloned skin", includeDefaultSkin, unshareAttachments, true);
// 2. Apply correct attachments: skeleton.SetToSetupPose + animationState.Apply
if (state != null) {
// 3. Return unshared skin.
return newSkin;
public static Skin GetClonedSkin (this Skeleton skeleton, string newSkinName, bool includeDefaultSkin = false, bool cloneAttachments = false, bool cloneMeshesAsLinked = true) {
var newSkin = new Skin(newSkinName); // may have null name. Harmless.
var defaultSkin =;
var activeSkin =;
if (includeDefaultSkin)
defaultSkin.CopyTo(newSkin, true, cloneAttachments, cloneMeshesAsLinked);
if (activeSkin != null)
activeSkin.CopyTo(newSkin, true, cloneAttachments, cloneMeshesAsLinked);
return newSkin;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a shallow copy of the skin. The cloned skin's attachments are shared with the original skin.</summary>
public static Skin GetClone (this Skin original) {
var newSkin = new Skin( + " clone");
var newSkinAttachments = newSkin.Attachments;
foreach (var a in original.Attachments)
newSkinAttachments[a.Key] = a.Value;
return newSkin;
/// <summary>Adds an attachment to the skin for the specified slot index and name. If the name already exists for the slot, the previous value is replaced.</summary>
public static void SetAttachment (this Skin skin, string slotName, string keyName, Attachment attachment, Skeleton skeleton) {
int slotIndex = skeleton.FindSlotIndex(slotName);
if (skeleton == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("skeleton", "skeleton cannot be null.");
if (slotIndex == -1) throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("Slot '{0}' does not exist in skeleton.", slotName), "slotName");
skin.AddAttachment(slotIndex, keyName, attachment);
/// <summary>Gets an attachment from the skin for the specified slot index and name.</summary>
public static Attachment GetAttachment (this Skin skin, string slotName, string keyName, Skeleton skeleton) {
int slotIndex = skeleton.FindSlotIndex(slotName);
if (skeleton == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("skeleton", "skeleton cannot be null.");
if (slotIndex == -1) throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("Slot '{0}' does not exist in skeleton.", slotName), "slotName");
return skin.GetAttachment(slotIndex, keyName);
/// <summary>Adds an attachment to the skin for the specified slot index and name. If the name already exists for the slot, the previous value is replaced.</summary>
public static void SetAttachment (this Skin skin, int slotIndex, string keyName, Attachment attachment) {
skin.AddAttachment(slotIndex, keyName, attachment);
/// <summary>Removes the attachment. Returns true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false.</summary>
public static bool RemoveAttachment (this Skin skin, string slotName, string keyName, Skeleton skeleton) {
int slotIndex = skeleton.FindSlotIndex(slotName);
if (skeleton == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("skeleton", "skeleton cannot be null.");
if (slotIndex == -1) throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("Slot '{0}' does not exist in skeleton.", slotName), "slotName");
return skin.RemoveAttachment(slotIndex, keyName);
/// <summary>Removes the attachment. Returns true if the element is successfully found and removed; otherwise, false.</summary>
public static bool RemoveAttachment (this Skin skin, int slotIndex, string keyName) {
return skin.Attachments.Remove(new Skin.AttachmentKeyTuple(slotIndex, keyName));
public static void Clear (this Skin skin) {
public static void Append (this Skin destination, Skin source) {
source.CopyTo(destination, true, false);
public static void CopyTo (this Skin source, Skin destination, bool overwrite, bool cloneAttachments, bool cloneMeshesAsLinked = true) {
var sourceAttachments = source.Attachments;
var destinationAttachments = destination.Attachments;
if (cloneAttachments) {
if (overwrite) {
foreach (var e in sourceAttachments)
destinationAttachments[e.Key] = e.Value.GetClone(cloneMeshesAsLinked);
} else {
foreach (var e in sourceAttachments) {
if (destinationAttachments.ContainsKey(e.Key)) continue;
destinationAttachments.Add(e.Key, e.Value.GetClone(cloneMeshesAsLinked));
} else {
if (overwrite) {
foreach (var e in sourceAttachments)
destinationAttachments[e.Key] = e.Value;
} else {
foreach (var e in sourceAttachments) {
if (destinationAttachments.ContainsKey(e.Key)) continue;
destinationAttachments.Add(e.Key, e.Value);
public static class AttachmentCloneExtensions {
/// <summary>
/// Clones the attachment.</summary>
public static Attachment GetClone (this Attachment o, bool cloneMeshesAsLinked) {
var regionAttachment = o as RegionAttachment;
if (regionAttachment != null)
return regionAttachment.GetClone();
var meshAttachment = o as MeshAttachment;
if (meshAttachment != null)
return cloneMeshesAsLinked ? meshAttachment.GetLinkedClone() : meshAttachment.GetClone();
var boundingBoxAttachment = o as BoundingBoxAttachment;
if (boundingBoxAttachment != null)
return boundingBoxAttachment.GetClone();
var pathAttachment = o as PathAttachment;
if (pathAttachment != null)
return pathAttachment.GetClone();
var pointAttachment = o as PointAttachment;
if (pointAttachment != null)
return pointAttachment.GetClone();
var clippingAttachment = o as ClippingAttachment;
if (clippingAttachment != null)
return clippingAttachment.GetClone();
return null;
public static RegionAttachment GetClone (this RegionAttachment o) {
return new RegionAttachment(o.Name + "clone") {
x = o.x,
y = o.y,
rotation = o.rotation,
scaleX = o.scaleX,
scaleY = o.scaleY,
width = o.width,
height = o.height,
r = o.r,
g = o.g,
b = o.b,
a = o.a,
Path = o.Path,
RendererObject = o.RendererObject,
regionOffsetX = o.regionOffsetX,
regionOffsetY = o.regionOffsetY,
regionWidth = o.regionWidth,
regionHeight = o.regionHeight,
regionOriginalWidth = o.regionOriginalWidth,
regionOriginalHeight = o.regionOriginalHeight,
uvs = o.uvs.Clone() as float[],
offset = o.offset.Clone() as float[]
public static ClippingAttachment GetClone (this ClippingAttachment o) {
var ca = new ClippingAttachment(o.Name) {
endSlot = o.endSlot
CloneVertexAttachment(o, ca);
return ca;
public static PointAttachment GetClone (this PointAttachment o) {
var pa = new PointAttachment(o.Name) {
rotation = o.rotation,
x = o.x,
y = o.y
return pa;
public static BoundingBoxAttachment GetClone (this BoundingBoxAttachment o) {
var ba = new BoundingBoxAttachment(o.Name);
CloneVertexAttachment(o, ba);
return ba;
public static MeshAttachment GetLinkedClone (this MeshAttachment o, bool inheritDeform = true) {
return o.GetLinkedMesh(o.Name, o.RendererObject as AtlasRegion, inheritDeform, copyOriginalProperties: true);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a clone of the MeshAttachment. This will cause Deform animations to stop working unless you explicity set the .parentMesh to the original.</summary>
public static MeshAttachment GetClone (this MeshAttachment o) {
var ma = new MeshAttachment(o.Name) {
r = o.r,
g = o.g,
b = o.b,
a = o.a,
inheritDeform = o.inheritDeform,
Path = o.Path,
RendererObject = o.RendererObject,
regionOffsetX = o.regionOffsetX,
regionOffsetY = o.regionOffsetY,
regionWidth = o.regionWidth,
regionHeight = o.regionHeight,
regionOriginalWidth = o.regionOriginalWidth,
regionOriginalHeight = o.regionOriginalHeight,
RegionU = o.RegionU,
RegionV = o.RegionV,
RegionU2 = o.RegionU2,
RegionV2 = o.RegionV2,
RegionRotate = o.RegionRotate,
uvs = o.uvs.Clone() as float[]
// Linked mesh
if (o.ParentMesh != null) {
// bones, vertices, worldVerticesLength, regionUVs, triangles, HullLength, Edges, Width, Height
ma.ParentMesh = o.ParentMesh;
} else {
CloneVertexAttachment(o, ma); // bones, vertices, worldVerticesLength
ma.regionUVs = o.regionUVs.Clone() as float[];
ma.triangles = o.triangles.Clone() as int[];
ma.hulllength = o.hulllength;
// Nonessential.
ma.Edges = (o.Edges == null) ? null : o.Edges.Clone() as int[]; // Allow absence of Edges array when nonessential data is not exported.
ma.Width = o.Width;
ma.Height = o.Height;
return ma;
public static PathAttachment GetClone (this PathAttachment o) {
var newPathAttachment = new PathAttachment(o.Name) {
lengths = o.lengths.Clone() as float[],
closed = o.closed,
constantSpeed = o.constantSpeed
CloneVertexAttachment(o, newPathAttachment);
return newPathAttachment;
static void CloneVertexAttachment (VertexAttachment src, VertexAttachment dest) {
dest.worldVerticesLength = src.worldVerticesLength;
if (src.bones != null)
dest.bones = src.bones.Clone() as int[];
if (src.vertices != null)
dest.vertices = src.vertices.Clone() as float[];
#region Runtime Linked MeshAttachments
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new linked mesh linked to this MeshAttachment. It will be mapped to the AtlasRegion provided.</summary>
public static MeshAttachment GetLinkedMesh (this MeshAttachment o, string newLinkedMeshName, AtlasRegion region, bool inheritDeform = true, bool copyOriginalProperties = false) {
//if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachmentName)) throw new System.ArgumentException("attachmentName cannot be null or empty", "attachmentName");
if (region == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException("region");
// If parentMesh is a linked mesh, create a link to its parent. Preserves Deform animations.
if (o.ParentMesh != null)
o = o.ParentMesh;
// 1. NewMeshAttachment (AtlasAttachmentLoader.cs)
var mesh = new MeshAttachment(newLinkedMeshName);
mesh.SetRegion(region, false);
// 2. (SkeletonJson.cs::ReadAttachment. case: LinkedMesh)
mesh.Path = newLinkedMeshName;
if (copyOriginalProperties) {
mesh.r = o.r;
mesh.g = o.g;
mesh.b = o.b;
mesh.a = o.a;
} else {
mesh.r = 1f;
mesh.g = 1f;
mesh.b = 1f;
mesh.a = 1f;
//mesh.ParentMesh property call below sets mesh.Width and mesh.Height
// 3. Link mesh with parent. (SkeletonJson.cs)
mesh.inheritDeform = inheritDeform;
mesh.ParentMesh = o;
return mesh;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new linked mesh linked to this MeshAttachment. It will be mapped to an AtlasRegion generated from a Sprite. The AtlasRegion will be mapped to a new Material based on the shader.
/// For better caching and batching, use GetLinkedMesh(string, AtlasRegion, bool)</summary>
public static MeshAttachment GetLinkedMesh (this MeshAttachment o, Sprite sprite, Shader shader, bool inheritDeform = true, Material materialPropertySource = null) {
var m = new Material(shader);
if (materialPropertySource != null) {
m.shaderKeywords = materialPropertySource.shaderKeywords;
return o.GetLinkedMesh(, sprite.ToAtlasRegion(), inheritDeform);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a new linked mesh linked to this MeshAttachment. It will be mapped to an AtlasRegion generated from a Sprite. The AtlasRegion will be mapped to a new Material based on the shader.
/// For better caching and batching, use GetLinkedMesh(string, AtlasRegion, bool)</summary>
public static MeshAttachment GetLinkedMesh (this MeshAttachment o, Sprite sprite, Material materialPropertySource, bool inheritDeform = true) {
return o.GetLinkedMesh(sprite, materialPropertySource.shader, inheritDeform, materialPropertySource);
#region RemappedClone Convenience Methods
/// <summary>
/// Gets a clone of the attachment remapped with a sprite image.</summary>
/// <returns>The remapped clone.</returns>
/// <param name="o">The original attachment.</param>
/// <param name="sprite">The sprite whose texture to use.</param>
/// <param name="sourceMaterial">The source material used to copy the shader and material properties from.</param>
/// <param name="premultiplyAlpha">If <c>true</c>, a premultiply alpha clone of the original texture will be created.</param>
/// <param name="cloneMeshAsLinked">If <c>true</c> MeshAttachments will be cloned as linked meshes and will inherit animation from the original attachment.</param>
/// <param name="useOriginalRegionSize">If <c>true</c> the size of the original attachment will be followed, instead of using the Sprite size.</param>
public static Attachment GetRemappedClone (this Attachment o, Sprite sprite, Material sourceMaterial, bool premultiplyAlpha = true, bool cloneMeshAsLinked = true, bool useOriginalRegionSize = false) {
var atlasRegion = premultiplyAlpha ? sprite.ToAtlasRegionPMAClone(sourceMaterial) : sprite.ToAtlasRegion(new Material(sourceMaterial) { mainTexture = sprite.texture });
return o.GetRemappedClone(atlasRegion, cloneMeshAsLinked, useOriginalRegionSize, 1f/sprite.pixelsPerUnit);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a clone of the attachment remapped with an atlasRegion image.</summary>
/// <returns>The remapped clone.</returns>
/// <param name="o">The original attachment.</param>
/// <param name="atlasRegion">Atlas region.</param>
/// <param name="cloneMeshAsLinked">If <c>true</c> MeshAttachments will be cloned as linked meshes and will inherit animation from the original attachment.</param>
/// <param name="useOriginalRegionSize">If <c>true</c> the size of the original attachment will be followed, instead of using the Sprite size.</param>
/// <param name="scale">Unity units per pixel scale used to scale the atlas region size when not using the original region size.</param>
public static Attachment GetRemappedClone (this Attachment o, AtlasRegion atlasRegion, bool cloneMeshAsLinked = true, bool useOriginalRegionSize = false, float scale = 0.01f) {
var regionAttachment = o as RegionAttachment;
if (regionAttachment != null) {
RegionAttachment newAttachment = regionAttachment.GetClone();
newAttachment.SetRegion(atlasRegion, false);
if (!useOriginalRegionSize) {
newAttachment.width = atlasRegion.width * scale;
newAttachment.height = atlasRegion.height * scale;
return newAttachment;
} else {
var meshAttachment = o as MeshAttachment;
if (meshAttachment != null) {
MeshAttachment newAttachment = cloneMeshAsLinked ? meshAttachment.GetLinkedClone(cloneMeshAsLinked) : meshAttachment.GetClone();
return newAttachment;
return o.GetClone(true); // Non-renderable Attachments will return as normal cloned attachments.