/****************************************************************************** * Spine Runtimes Software License v2.5 * * Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Esoteric Software * All rights reserved. * * You are granted a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and * non-transferable license to use, install, execute, and perform the Spine * Runtimes software and derivative works solely for personal or internal * use. Without the written permission of Esoteric Software (see Section 2 of * the Spine Software License Agreement), you may not (a) modify, translate, * adapt, or develop new applications using the Spine Runtimes or otherwise * create derivative works or improvements of the Spine Runtimes or (b) remove, * delete, alter, or obscure any trademarks or any copyright, trademark, patent, * or other intellectual property or proprietary rights notices on or in the * Software, including any copy thereof. Redistributions in binary or source * form must include this license and terms. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *****************************************************************************/ using UnityEngine; namespace Spine.Unity { public static class SkeletonExtensions { #region Colors const float ByteToFloat = 1f / 255f; public static Color GetColor (this Skeleton s) { return new Color(s.r, s.g, s.b, s.a); } public static Color GetColor (this RegionAttachment a) { return new Color(a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a); } public static Color GetColor (this MeshAttachment a) { return new Color(a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a); } public static Color GetColor (this Slot s) { return new Color(s.r, s.g, s.b, s.a); } public static Color GetColorTintBlack (this Slot s) { return new Color(s.r2, s.g2, s.b2, 1f); } public static void SetColor (this Skeleton skeleton, Color color) { skeleton.A = color.a; skeleton.R = color.r; skeleton.G = color.g; skeleton.B = color.b; } public static void SetColor (this Skeleton skeleton, Color32 color) { skeleton.A = color.a * ByteToFloat; skeleton.R = color.r * ByteToFloat; skeleton.G = color.g * ByteToFloat; skeleton.B = color.b * ByteToFloat; } public static void SetColor (this Slot slot, Color color) { slot.A = color.a; slot.R = color.r; slot.G = color.g; slot.B = color.b; } public static void SetColor (this Slot slot, Color32 color) { slot.A = color.a * ByteToFloat; slot.R = color.r * ByteToFloat; slot.G = color.g * ByteToFloat; slot.B = color.b * ByteToFloat; } public static void SetColor (this RegionAttachment attachment, Color color) { attachment.A = color.a; attachment.R = color.r; attachment.G = color.g; attachment.B = color.b; } public static void SetColor (this RegionAttachment attachment, Color32 color) { attachment.A = color.a * ByteToFloat; attachment.R = color.r * ByteToFloat; attachment.G = color.g * ByteToFloat; attachment.B = color.b * ByteToFloat; } public static void SetColor (this MeshAttachment attachment, Color color) { attachment.A = color.a; attachment.R = color.r; attachment.G = color.g; attachment.B = color.b; } public static void SetColor (this MeshAttachment attachment, Color32 color) { attachment.A = color.a * ByteToFloat; attachment.R = color.r * ByteToFloat; attachment.G = color.g * ByteToFloat; attachment.B = color.b * ByteToFloat; } #endregion #region Bone /// Sets the bone's (local) X and Y according to a Vector2 public static void SetPosition (this Bone bone, Vector2 position) { bone.X = position.x; bone.Y = position.y; } /// Sets the bone's (local) X and Y according to a Vector3. The z component is ignored. public static void SetPosition (this Bone bone, Vector3 position) { bone.X = position.x; bone.Y = position.y; } /// Gets the bone's local X and Y as a Vector2. public static Vector2 GetLocalPosition (this Bone bone) { return new Vector2(bone.x, bone.y); } /// Gets the position of the bone in Skeleton-space. public static Vector2 GetSkeletonSpacePosition (this Bone bone) { return new Vector2(bone.worldX, bone.worldY); } /// Gets a local offset from the bone and converts it into Skeleton-space. public static Vector2 GetSkeletonSpacePosition (this Bone bone, Vector2 boneLocal) { Vector2 o; bone.LocalToWorld(boneLocal.x, boneLocal.y, out o.x, out o.y); return o; } /// Gets the bone's Unity World position using its Spine GameObject Transform. UpdateWorldTransform needs to have been called for this to return the correct, updated value. public static Vector3 GetWorldPosition (this Bone bone, UnityEngine.Transform spineGameObjectTransform) { return spineGameObjectTransform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(bone.worldX, bone.worldY)); } public static Vector3 GetWorldPosition (this Bone bone, UnityEngine.Transform spineGameObjectTransform, float positionScale) { return spineGameObjectTransform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(bone.worldX * positionScale, bone.worldY * positionScale)); } /// Gets a skeleton space UnityEngine.Quaternion representation of bone.WorldRotationX. public static Quaternion GetQuaternion (this Bone bone) { var halfRotation = Mathf.Atan2(bone.c, bone.a) * 0.5f; return new Quaternion(0, 0, Mathf.Sin(halfRotation), Mathf.Cos(halfRotation)); } /// Gets a bone-local space UnityEngine.Quaternion representation of bone.rotation. public static Quaternion GetLocalQuaternion (this Bone bone) { var halfRotation = bone.rotation * Mathf.Deg2Rad * 0.5f; return new Quaternion(0, 0, Mathf.Sin(halfRotation), Mathf.Cos(halfRotation)); } /// Gets the internal bone matrix as a Unity bonespace-to-skeletonspace transformation matrix. public static Matrix4x4 GetMatrix4x4 (this Bone bone) { return new Matrix4x4 { m00 = bone.a, m01 = bone.b, m03 = bone.worldX, m10 = bone.c, m11 = bone.d, m13 = bone.worldY, m33 = 1 }; } /// Calculates a 2x2 Transformation Matrix that can convert a skeleton-space position to a bone-local position. public static void GetWorldToLocalMatrix (this Bone bone, out float ia, out float ib, out float ic, out float id) { float a = bone.a, b = bone.b, c = bone.c, d = bone.d; float invDet = 1 / (a * d - b * c); ia = invDet * d; ib = invDet * -b; ic = invDet * -c; id = invDet * a; } /// UnityEngine.Vector2 override of Bone.WorldToLocal. This converts a skeleton-space position into a bone local position. public static Vector2 WorldToLocal (this Bone bone, Vector2 worldPosition) { Vector2 o; bone.WorldToLocal(worldPosition.x, worldPosition.y, out o.x, out o.y); return o; } /// Sets the skeleton-space position of a bone. /// The local position in its parent bone space, or in skeleton space if it is the root bone. public static Vector2 SetPositionSkeletonSpace (this Bone bone, Vector2 skeletonSpacePosition) { if (bone.parent == null) { // root bone bone.SetPosition(skeletonSpacePosition); return skeletonSpacePosition; } else { var parent = bone.parent; Vector2 parentLocal = parent.WorldToLocal(skeletonSpacePosition); bone.SetPosition(parentLocal); return parentLocal; } } #endregion #region Attachments public static Material GetMaterial (this Attachment a) { object rendererObject = null; var renderableAttachment = a as IHasRendererObject; if (renderableAttachment != null) { rendererObject = renderableAttachment.RendererObject; } if (rendererObject == null) return null; #if SPINE_TK2D return (rendererObject.GetType() == typeof(Material)) ? (Material)rendererObject : (Material)((AtlasRegion)rendererObject).page.rendererObject; #else return (Material)((AtlasRegion)rendererObject).page.rendererObject; #endif } /// Fills a Vector2 buffer with local vertices. /// The VertexAttachment /// Slot where the attachment belongs. /// Correctly-sized buffer. Use attachment's .WorldVerticesLength to get the correct size. If null, a new Vector2[] of the correct size will be allocated. public static Vector2[] GetLocalVertices (this VertexAttachment va, Slot slot, Vector2[] buffer) { int floatsCount = va.worldVerticesLength; int bufferTargetSize = floatsCount >> 1; buffer = buffer ?? new Vector2[bufferTargetSize]; if (buffer.Length < bufferTargetSize) throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("Vector2 buffer too small. {0} requires an array of size {1}. Use the attachment's .WorldVerticesLength to get the correct size.", va.Name, floatsCount), "buffer"); if (va.bones == null) { var localVerts = va.vertices; for (int i = 0; i < bufferTargetSize; i++) { int j = i * 2; buffer[i] = new Vector2(localVerts[j], localVerts[j+1]); } } else { var floats = new float[floatsCount]; va.ComputeWorldVertices(slot, floats); Bone sb = slot.bone; float ia, ib, ic, id, bwx = sb.worldX, bwy = sb.worldY; sb.GetWorldToLocalMatrix(out ia, out ib, out ic, out id); for (int i = 0; i < bufferTargetSize; i++) { int j = i * 2; float x = floats[j] - bwx, y = floats[j+1] - bwy; buffer[i] = new Vector2(x * ia + y * ib, x * ic + y * id); } } return buffer; } /// Calculates world vertices and fills a Vector2 buffer. /// The VertexAttachment /// Slot where the attachment belongs. /// Correctly-sized buffer. Use attachment's .WorldVerticesLength to get the correct size. If null, a new Vector2[] of the correct size will be allocated. public static Vector2[] GetWorldVertices (this VertexAttachment a, Slot slot, Vector2[] buffer) { int worldVertsLength = a.worldVerticesLength; int bufferTargetSize = worldVertsLength >> 1; buffer = buffer ?? new Vector2[bufferTargetSize]; if (buffer.Length < bufferTargetSize) throw new System.ArgumentException(string.Format("Vector2 buffer too small. {0} requires an array of size {1}. Use the attachment's .WorldVerticesLength to get the correct size.", a.Name, worldVertsLength), "buffer"); var floats = new float[worldVertsLength]; a.ComputeWorldVertices(slot, floats); for (int i = 0, n = worldVertsLength >> 1; i < n; i++) { int j = i * 2; buffer[i] = new Vector2(floats[j], floats[j + 1]); } return buffer; } /// Gets the PointAttachment's Unity World position using its Spine GameObject Transform. public static Vector3 GetWorldPosition (this PointAttachment attachment, Slot slot, Transform spineGameObjectTransform) { Vector3 skeletonSpacePosition; skeletonSpacePosition.z = 0; attachment.ComputeWorldPosition(slot.bone, out skeletonSpacePosition.x, out skeletonSpacePosition.y); return spineGameObjectTransform.TransformPoint(skeletonSpacePosition); } /// Gets the PointAttachment's Unity World position using its Spine GameObject Transform. public static Vector3 GetWorldPosition (this PointAttachment attachment, Bone bone, Transform spineGameObjectTransform) { Vector3 skeletonSpacePosition; skeletonSpacePosition.z = 0; attachment.ComputeWorldPosition(bone, out skeletonSpacePosition.x, out skeletonSpacePosition.y); return spineGameObjectTransform.TransformPoint(skeletonSpacePosition); } #endregion } } namespace Spine { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public struct BoneMatrix { public float a, b, c, d, x, y; /// Recursively calculates a worldspace bone matrix based on BoneData. public static BoneMatrix CalculateSetupWorld (BoneData boneData) { if (boneData == null) return default(BoneMatrix); // End condition: isRootBone if (boneData.parent == null) return GetInheritedInternal(boneData, default(BoneMatrix)); BoneMatrix result = CalculateSetupWorld(boneData.parent); return GetInheritedInternal(boneData, result); } static BoneMatrix GetInheritedInternal (BoneData boneData, BoneMatrix parentMatrix) { var parent = boneData.parent; if (parent == null) return new BoneMatrix(boneData); // isRootBone float pa = parentMatrix.a, pb = parentMatrix.b, pc = parentMatrix.c, pd = parentMatrix.d; BoneMatrix result = default(BoneMatrix); result.x = pa * boneData.x + pb * boneData.y + parentMatrix.x; result.y = pc * boneData.x + pd * boneData.y + parentMatrix.y; switch (boneData.transformMode) { case TransformMode.Normal: { float rotationY = boneData.rotation + 90 + boneData.shearY; float la = MathUtils.CosDeg(boneData.rotation + boneData.shearX) * boneData.scaleX; float lb = MathUtils.CosDeg(rotationY) * boneData.scaleY; float lc = MathUtils.SinDeg(boneData.rotation + boneData.shearX) * boneData.scaleX; float ld = MathUtils.SinDeg(rotationY) * boneData.scaleY; result.a = pa * la + pb * lc; result.b = pa * lb + pb * ld; result.c = pc * la + pd * lc; result.d = pc * lb + pd * ld; break; } case TransformMode.OnlyTranslation: { float rotationY = boneData.rotation + 90 + boneData.shearY; result.a = MathUtils.CosDeg(boneData.rotation + boneData.shearX) * boneData.scaleX; result.b = MathUtils.CosDeg(rotationY) * boneData.scaleY; result.c = MathUtils.SinDeg(boneData.rotation + boneData.shearX) * boneData.scaleX; result.d = MathUtils.SinDeg(rotationY) * boneData.scaleY; break; } case TransformMode.NoRotationOrReflection: { float s = pa * pa + pc * pc, prx; if (s > 0.0001f) { s = Math.Abs(pa * pd - pb * pc) / s; pb = pc * s; pd = pa * s; prx = MathUtils.Atan2(pc, pa) * MathUtils.RadDeg; } else { pa = 0; pc = 0; prx = 90 - MathUtils.Atan2(pd, pb) * MathUtils.RadDeg; } float rx = boneData.rotation + boneData.shearX - prx; float ry = boneData.rotation + boneData.shearY - prx + 90; float la = MathUtils.CosDeg(rx) * boneData.scaleX; float lb = MathUtils.CosDeg(ry) * boneData.scaleY; float lc = MathUtils.SinDeg(rx) * boneData.scaleX; float ld = MathUtils.SinDeg(ry) * boneData.scaleY; result.a = pa * la - pb * lc; result.b = pa * lb - pb * ld; result.c = pc * la + pd * lc; result.d = pc * lb + pd * ld; break; } case TransformMode.NoScale: case TransformMode.NoScaleOrReflection: { float cos = MathUtils.CosDeg(boneData.rotation), sin = MathUtils.SinDeg(boneData.rotation); float za = pa * cos + pb * sin; float zc = pc * cos + pd * sin; float s = (float)Math.Sqrt(za * za + zc * zc); if (s > 0.00001f) s = 1 / s; za *= s; zc *= s; s = (float)Math.Sqrt(za * za + zc * zc); float r = MathUtils.PI / 2 + MathUtils.Atan2(zc, za); float zb = MathUtils.Cos(r) * s; float zd = MathUtils.Sin(r) * s; float la = MathUtils.CosDeg(boneData.shearX) * boneData.scaleX; float lb = MathUtils.CosDeg(90 + boneData.shearY) * boneData.scaleY; float lc = MathUtils.SinDeg(boneData.shearX) * boneData.scaleX; float ld = MathUtils.SinDeg(90 + boneData.shearY) * boneData.scaleY; if (boneData.transformMode != TransformMode.NoScaleOrReflection ? pa * pd - pb * pc < 0 : false) { zb = -zb; zd = -zd; } result.a = za * la + zb * lc; result.b = za * lb + zb * ld; result.c = zc * la + zd * lc; result.d = zc * lb + zd * ld; break; } } return result; } /// Constructor for a local bone matrix based on Setup Pose BoneData. public BoneMatrix (BoneData boneData) { float rotationY = boneData.rotation + 90 + boneData.shearY; float rotationX = boneData.rotation + boneData.shearX; a = MathUtils.CosDeg(rotationX) * boneData.scaleX; c = MathUtils.SinDeg(rotationX) * boneData.scaleX; b = MathUtils.CosDeg(rotationY) * boneData.scaleY; d = MathUtils.SinDeg(rotationY) * boneData.scaleY; x = boneData.x; y = boneData.y; } /// Constructor for a local bone matrix based on a bone instance's current pose. public BoneMatrix (Bone bone) { float rotationY = bone.rotation + 90 + bone.shearY; float rotationX = bone.rotation + bone.shearX; a = MathUtils.CosDeg(rotationX) * bone.scaleX; c = MathUtils.SinDeg(rotationX) * bone.scaleX; b = MathUtils.CosDeg(rotationY) * bone.scaleY; d = MathUtils.SinDeg(rotationY) * bone.scaleY; x = bone.x; y = bone.y; } public BoneMatrix TransformMatrix (BoneMatrix local) { return new BoneMatrix { a = this.a * local.a + this.b * local.c, b = this.a * local.b + this.b * local.d, c = this.c * local.a + this.d * local.c, d = this.c * local.b + this.d * local.d, x = this.a * local.x + this.b * local.y + this.x, y = this.c * local.x + this.d * local.y + this.y }; } } public static class SkeletonExtensions { public static bool IsWeighted (this VertexAttachment va) { return va.bones != null && va.bones.Length > 0; } public static bool IsRenderable (this Attachment a) { return a is IHasRendererObject; } #region Transform Modes public static bool InheritsRotation (this TransformMode mode) { const int RotationBit = 0; return ((int)mode & (1U << RotationBit)) == 0; } public static bool InheritsScale (this TransformMode mode) { const int ScaleBit = 1; return ((int)mode & (1U << ScaleBit)) == 0; } #endregion #region Posing internal static void SetPropertyToSetupPose (this Skeleton skeleton, int propertyID) { int tt = propertyID >> 24; var timelineType = (TimelineType)tt; int i = propertyID - (tt << 24); Bone bone; IkConstraint ikc; PathConstraint pc; switch (timelineType) { // Bone case TimelineType.Rotate: bone = skeleton.bones.Items[i]; bone.rotation = bone.data.rotation; break; case TimelineType.Translate: bone = skeleton.bones.Items[i]; bone.x = bone.data.x; bone.y = bone.data.y; break; case TimelineType.Scale: bone = skeleton.bones.Items[i]; bone.scaleX = bone.data.scaleX; bone.scaleY = bone.data.scaleY; break; case TimelineType.Shear: bone = skeleton.bones.Items[i]; bone.shearX = bone.data.shearX; bone.shearY = bone.data.shearY; break; // Slot case TimelineType.Attachment: skeleton.SetSlotAttachmentToSetupPose(i); break; case TimelineType.Color: skeleton.slots.Items[i].SetColorToSetupPose(); break; case TimelineType.TwoColor: skeleton.slots.Items[i].SetColorToSetupPose(); break; case TimelineType.Deform: skeleton.slots.Items[i].attachmentVertices.Clear(); break; // Skeleton case TimelineType.DrawOrder: skeleton.SetDrawOrderToSetupPose(); break; // IK Constraint case TimelineType.IkConstraint: ikc = skeleton.ikConstraints.Items[i]; ikc.mix = ikc.data.mix; ikc.bendDirection = ikc.data.bendDirection; break; // TransformConstraint case TimelineType.TransformConstraint: var tc = skeleton.transformConstraints.Items[i]; var tcData = tc.data; tc.rotateMix = tcData.rotateMix; tc.translateMix = tcData.translateMix; tc.scaleMix = tcData.scaleMix; tc.shearMix = tcData.shearMix; break; // Path Constraint case TimelineType.PathConstraintPosition: pc = skeleton.pathConstraints.Items[i]; pc.position = pc.data.position; break; case TimelineType.PathConstraintSpacing: pc = skeleton.pathConstraints.Items[i]; pc.spacing = pc.data.spacing; break; case TimelineType.PathConstraintMix: pc = skeleton.pathConstraints.Items[i]; pc.rotateMix = pc.data.rotateMix; pc.translateMix = pc.data.translateMix; break; } } /// Resets the DrawOrder to the Setup Pose's draw order public static void SetDrawOrderToSetupPose (this Skeleton skeleton) { var slotsItems = skeleton.slots.Items; int n = skeleton.slots.Count; var drawOrder = skeleton.drawOrder; drawOrder.Clear(false); drawOrder.GrowIfNeeded(n); System.Array.Copy(slotsItems, drawOrder.Items, n); } /// Resets the color of a slot to Setup Pose value. public static void SetColorToSetupPose (this Slot slot) { slot.r = slot.data.r; slot.g = slot.data.g; slot.b = slot.data.b; slot.a = slot.data.a; slot.r2 = slot.data.r2; slot.g2 = slot.data.g2; slot.b2 = slot.data.b2; } /// Sets a slot's attachment to setup pose. If you have the slotIndex, Skeleton.SetSlotAttachmentToSetupPose is faster. public static void SetAttachmentToSetupPose (this Slot slot) { var slotData = slot.data; slot.Attachment = slot.bone.skeleton.GetAttachment(slotData.name, slotData.attachmentName); } /// Resets the attachment of slot at a given slotIndex to setup pose. This is faster than Slot.SetAttachmentToSetupPose. public static void SetSlotAttachmentToSetupPose (this Skeleton skeleton, int slotIndex) { var slot = skeleton.slots.Items[slotIndex]; var attachmentName = slot.data.attachmentName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachmentName)) { slot.Attachment = null; } else { var attachment = skeleton.GetAttachment(slotIndex, attachmentName); slot.Attachment = attachment; } } /// /// Shortcut for posing a skeleton at a specific time. Time is in seconds. (frameNumber / 30f) will give you seconds. /// If you need to do this often, you should get the Animation object yourself using skeleton.data.FindAnimation. and call Apply on that. /// The skeleton to pose. /// The name of the animation to use. /// The time of the pose within the animation. /// Wraps the time around if it is longer than the duration of the animation. public static void PoseWithAnimation (this Skeleton skeleton, string animationName, float time, bool loop = false) { // Fail loud when skeleton.data is null. Spine.Animation animation = skeleton.data.FindAnimation(animationName); if (animation == null) return; animation.Apply(skeleton, 0, time, loop, null, 1f, MixPose.Setup, MixDirection.In); } /// Pose a skeleton according to a given time in an animation. public static void PoseSkeleton (this Animation animation, Skeleton skeleton, float time, bool loop = false) { animation.Apply(skeleton, 0, time, loop, null, 1f, MixPose.Setup, MixDirection.In); } /// Resets Skeleton parts to Setup Pose according to a Spine.Animation's keyed items. public static void SetKeyedItemsToSetupPose (this Animation animation, Skeleton skeleton) { animation.Apply(skeleton, 0, 0, false, null, 0, MixPose.Setup, MixDirection.Out); } #endregion #region Skins /// public static void FindNamesForSlot (this Skin skin, string slotName, SkeletonData skeletonData, List results) { int slotIndex = skeletonData.FindSlotIndex(slotName); skin.FindNamesForSlot(slotIndex, results); } /// public static void FindAttachmentsForSlot (this Skin skin, string slotName, SkeletonData skeletonData, List results) { int slotIndex = skeletonData.FindSlotIndex(slotName); skin.FindAttachmentsForSlot(slotIndex, results); } #endregion } }