/****************************************************************************** * Spine Runtimes Software License v2.5 * * Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Esoteric Software * All rights reserved. * * You are granted a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and * non-transferable license to use, install, execute, and perform the Spine * Runtimes software and derivative works solely for personal or internal * use. Without the written permission of Esoteric Software (see Section 2 of * the Spine Software License Agreement), you may not (a) modify, translate, * adapt, or develop new applications using the Spine Runtimes or otherwise * create derivative works or improvements of the Spine Runtimes or (b) remove, * delete, alter, or obscure any trademarks or any copyright, trademark, patent, * or other intellectual property or proprietary rights notices on or in the * Software, including any copy thereof. Redistributions in binary or source * form must include this license and terms. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *****************************************************************************/ // Contributed by: Mitch Thompson using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using Spine; namespace Spine.Unity.Editor { public struct SpineDrawerValuePair { public string str; public SerializedProperty property; public SpineDrawerValuePair (string val, SerializedProperty property) { this.str = val; this.property = property; } } public abstract class SpineTreeItemDrawerBase : PropertyDrawer where T:SpineAttributeBase { protected SkeletonDataAsset skeletonDataAsset; internal const string NoneString = ""; // Analysis disable once StaticFieldInGenericType static GUIContent noneLabel; static GUIContent NoneLabel (Texture2D image = null) { if (noneLabel == null) noneLabel = new GUIContent(NoneString); noneLabel.image = image; return noneLabel; } protected T TargetAttribute { get { return (T)attribute; } } protected SerializedProperty SerializedProperty { get; private set; } protected abstract Texture2D Icon { get; } public override void OnGUI (Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { SerializedProperty = property; if (property.propertyType != SerializedPropertyType.String) { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "ERROR:", "May only apply to type string"); return; } SerializedProperty dataField = property.FindBaseOrSiblingProperty(TargetAttribute.dataField); if (dataField != null) { var objectReferenceValue = dataField.objectReferenceValue; if (objectReferenceValue is SkeletonDataAsset) { skeletonDataAsset = (SkeletonDataAsset)objectReferenceValue; } else if (objectReferenceValue is IHasSkeletonDataAsset) { var hasSkeletonDataAsset = (IHasSkeletonDataAsset)objectReferenceValue; if (hasSkeletonDataAsset != null) skeletonDataAsset = hasSkeletonDataAsset.SkeletonDataAsset; } else if (objectReferenceValue != null) { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "ERROR:", "Invalid reference type"); return; } } else { var targetObject = property.serializedObject.targetObject; IHasSkeletonDataAsset hasSkeletonDataAsset = targetObject as IHasSkeletonDataAsset; if (hasSkeletonDataAsset == null) { var component = targetObject as Component; if (component != null) hasSkeletonDataAsset = component.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(IHasSkeletonDataAsset)) as IHasSkeletonDataAsset; } if (hasSkeletonDataAsset != null) skeletonDataAsset = hasSkeletonDataAsset.SkeletonDataAsset; } if (skeletonDataAsset == null) { if (TargetAttribute.fallbackToTextField) { EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, property); //EditorGUI.TextField(position, label, property.stringValue); } else { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "ERROR:", "Must have reference to a SkeletonDataAsset"); } skeletonDataAsset = property.serializedObject.targetObject as SkeletonDataAsset; if (skeletonDataAsset == null) return; } position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, label); var image = Icon; var propertyStringValue = (property.hasMultipleDifferentValues) ? SpineInspectorUtility.EmDash : property.stringValue; if (GUI.Button(position, string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyStringValue) ? NoneLabel(image) : SpineInspectorUtility.TempContent(propertyStringValue, image), EditorStyles.popup)) Selector(property); } public ISkeletonComponent GetTargetSkeletonComponent (SerializedProperty property) { var dataField = property.FindBaseOrSiblingProperty(TargetAttribute.dataField); if (dataField != null) { var skeletonComponent = dataField.objectReferenceValue as ISkeletonComponent; if (dataField.objectReferenceValue != null && skeletonComponent != null) // note the overloaded UnityEngine.Object == null check. Do not simplify. return skeletonComponent; } else { var component = property.serializedObject.targetObject as Component; if (component != null) return component.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(ISkeletonComponent)) as ISkeletonComponent; } return null; } protected virtual void Selector (SerializedProperty property) { SkeletonData data = skeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true); if (data == null) return; var menu = new GenericMenu(); PopulateMenu(menu, property, this.TargetAttribute, data); menu.ShowAsContext(); } protected abstract void PopulateMenu (GenericMenu menu, SerializedProperty property, T targetAttribute, SkeletonData data); protected virtual void HandleSelect (object menuItemObject) { var clickedItem = (SpineDrawerValuePair)menuItemObject; clickedItem.property.stringValue = clickedItem.str; clickedItem.property.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } public override float GetPropertyHeight (SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { return 18; } } [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(SpineSlot))] public class SpineSlotDrawer : SpineTreeItemDrawerBase { protected override Texture2D Icon { get { return SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.slot; } } protected override void PopulateMenu (GenericMenu menu, SerializedProperty property, SpineSlot targetAttribute, SkeletonData data) { if (TargetAttribute.includeNone) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(NoneString), string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.stringValue), HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(string.Empty, property)); for (int i = 0; i < data.Slots.Count; i++) { string name = data.Slots.Items[i].Name; if (name.StartsWith(targetAttribute.startsWith, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { if (targetAttribute.containsBoundingBoxes) { int slotIndex = i; var attachments = new List(); foreach (var skin in data.Skins) skin.FindAttachmentsForSlot(slotIndex, attachments); bool hasBoundingBox = false; foreach (var attachment in attachments) { var bbAttachment = attachment as BoundingBoxAttachment; if (bbAttachment != null) { string menuLabel = bbAttachment.IsWeighted() ? name + " (!)" : name; menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(menuLabel), name == property.stringValue, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(name, property)); hasBoundingBox = true; break; } } if (!hasBoundingBox) menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(name)); } else { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(name), name == property.stringValue, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(name, property)); } } } } } [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(SpineSkin))] public class SpineSkinDrawer : SpineTreeItemDrawerBase { protected override Texture2D Icon { get { return SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.skin; } } public static void GetSkinMenuItems (SkeletonData data, List animationNames, List menuItems, bool includeNone = true) { if (data == null) return; var skins = data.Skins; animationNames.Clear(); menuItems.Clear(); var icon = SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.skin; if (includeNone) { animationNames.Add(""); menuItems.Add(new GUIContent(NoneString, icon)); } foreach (var s in skins) { var skinName = s.Name; animationNames.Add(skinName); menuItems.Add(new GUIContent(skinName, icon)); } } protected override void PopulateMenu (GenericMenu menu, SerializedProperty property, SpineSkin targetAttribute, SkeletonData data) { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(skeletonDataAsset.name)); menu.AddSeparator(""); for (int i = 0; i < data.Skins.Count; i++) { string name = data.Skins.Items[i].Name; if (name.StartsWith(targetAttribute.startsWith, StringComparison.Ordinal)) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(name), name == property.stringValue, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(name, property)); } } } [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(SpineAnimation))] public class SpineAnimationDrawer : SpineTreeItemDrawerBase { protected override Texture2D Icon { get { return SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.animation; } } public static void GetAnimationMenuItems (SkeletonData data, List animationNames, List menuItems, bool includeNone = true) { if (data == null) return; var animations = data.Animations; animationNames.Clear(); menuItems.Clear(); if (includeNone) { animationNames.Add(""); menuItems.Add(new GUIContent(NoneString, SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.animation)); } foreach (var a in animations) { var animationName = a.Name; animationNames.Add(animationName); menuItems.Add(new GUIContent(animationName, SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.animation)); } } protected override void PopulateMenu (GenericMenu menu, SerializedProperty property, SpineAnimation targetAttribute, SkeletonData data) { var animations = skeletonDataAsset.GetAnimationStateData().SkeletonData.Animations; if (TargetAttribute.includeNone) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(NoneString), string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.stringValue), HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(string.Empty, property)); for (int i = 0; i < animations.Count; i++) { string name = animations.Items[i].Name; if (name.StartsWith(targetAttribute.startsWith, StringComparison.Ordinal)) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(name), name == property.stringValue, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(name, property)); } } } [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(SpineEvent))] public class SpineEventNameDrawer : SpineTreeItemDrawerBase { protected override Texture2D Icon { get { return SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.userEvent; } } public static void GetEventMenuItems (SkeletonData data, List eventNames, List menuItems, bool includeNone = true) { if (data == null) return; var animations = data.Events; eventNames.Clear(); menuItems.Clear(); if (includeNone) { eventNames.Add(""); menuItems.Add(new GUIContent(NoneString, SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.userEvent)); } foreach (var a in animations) { var animationName = a.Name; eventNames.Add(animationName); menuItems.Add(new GUIContent(animationName, SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.userEvent)); } } protected override void PopulateMenu (GenericMenu menu, SerializedProperty property, SpineEvent targetAttribute, SkeletonData data) { var events = skeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(false).Events; if (TargetAttribute.includeNone) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(NoneString), string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.stringValue), HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(string.Empty, property)); for (int i = 0; i < events.Count; i++) { string name = events.Items[i].Name; if (name.StartsWith(targetAttribute.startsWith, StringComparison.Ordinal)) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(name), name == property.stringValue, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(name, property)); } } } [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(SpineIkConstraint))] public class SpineIkConstraintDrawer : SpineTreeItemDrawerBase { protected override Texture2D Icon { get { return SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.constraintIK; } } protected override void PopulateMenu (GenericMenu menu, SerializedProperty property, SpineIkConstraint targetAttribute, SkeletonData data) { var constraints = skeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(false).IkConstraints; if (TargetAttribute.includeNone) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(NoneString), string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.stringValue), HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(string.Empty, property)); for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Count; i++) { string name = constraints.Items[i].Name; if (name.StartsWith(targetAttribute.startsWith, StringComparison.Ordinal)) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(name), name == property.stringValue, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(name, property)); } } } [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(SpineTransformConstraint))] public class SpineTransformConstraintDrawer : SpineTreeItemDrawerBase { protected override Texture2D Icon { get { return SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.constraintTransform; } } protected override void PopulateMenu (GenericMenu menu, SerializedProperty property, SpineTransformConstraint targetAttribute, SkeletonData data) { var constraints = skeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(false).TransformConstraints; if (TargetAttribute.includeNone) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(NoneString), string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.stringValue), HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(string.Empty, property)); for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Count; i++) { string name = constraints.Items[i].Name; if (name.StartsWith(targetAttribute.startsWith, StringComparison.Ordinal)) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(name), name == property.stringValue, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(name, property)); } } } [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(SpinePathConstraint))] public class SpinePathConstraintDrawer : SpineTreeItemDrawerBase { protected override Texture2D Icon { get { return SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.constraintPath; } } protected override void PopulateMenu (GenericMenu menu, SerializedProperty property, SpinePathConstraint targetAttribute, SkeletonData data) { var constraints = skeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(false).PathConstraints; if (TargetAttribute.includeNone) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(NoneString), string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.stringValue), HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(string.Empty, property)); for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Count; i++) { string name = constraints.Items[i].Name; if (name.StartsWith(targetAttribute.startsWith, StringComparison.Ordinal)) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(name), name == property.stringValue, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(name, property)); } } } [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(SpineAttachment))] public class SpineAttachmentDrawer : SpineTreeItemDrawerBase { protected override Texture2D Icon { get { return SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.genericAttachment; } } protected override void PopulateMenu (GenericMenu menu, SerializedProperty property, SpineAttachment targetAttribute, SkeletonData data) { ISkeletonComponent skeletonComponent = GetTargetSkeletonComponent(property); var validSkins = new List(); if (skeletonComponent != null && targetAttribute.currentSkinOnly) { Skin currentSkin = null; var skinProperty = property.FindBaseOrSiblingProperty(targetAttribute.skinField); if (skinProperty != null) currentSkin = skeletonComponent.Skeleton.Data.FindSkin(skinProperty.stringValue); currentSkin = currentSkin ?? skeletonComponent.Skeleton.Skin; if (currentSkin != null) validSkins.Add(currentSkin); else validSkins.Add(data.Skins.Items[0]); } else { foreach (Skin skin in data.Skins) if (skin != null) validSkins.Add(skin); } var attachmentNames = new List(); var placeholderNames = new List(); string prefix = ""; if (skeletonComponent != null && targetAttribute.currentSkinOnly) menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent((skeletonComponent as Component).gameObject.name + " (Skeleton)")); else menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(skeletonDataAsset.name)); menu.AddSeparator(""); if (TargetAttribute.includeNone) { const string NullAttachmentName = ""; menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Null"), property.stringValue == NullAttachmentName, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(NullAttachmentName, property)); menu.AddSeparator(""); } Skin defaultSkin = data.Skins.Items[0]; var slotProperty = property.FindBaseOrSiblingProperty(TargetAttribute.slotField); string slotMatch = ""; if (slotProperty != null) { if (slotProperty.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.String) slotMatch = slotProperty.stringValue.ToLower(); } foreach (Skin skin in validSkins) { string skinPrefix = skin.Name + "/"; if (validSkins.Count > 1) prefix = skinPrefix; for (int i = 0; i < data.Slots.Count; i++) { if (slotMatch.Length > 0 && !(data.Slots.Items[i].Name.Equals(slotMatch, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) continue; attachmentNames.Clear(); placeholderNames.Clear(); skin.FindNamesForSlot(i, attachmentNames); if (skin != defaultSkin) { defaultSkin.FindNamesForSlot(i, attachmentNames); skin.FindNamesForSlot(i, placeholderNames); } for (int a = 0; a < attachmentNames.Count; a++) { string attachmentPath = attachmentNames[a]; string menuPath = prefix + data.Slots.Items[i].Name + "/" + attachmentPath; string name = attachmentNames[a]; if (targetAttribute.returnAttachmentPath) name = skin.Name + "/" + data.Slots.Items[i].Name + "/" + attachmentPath; if (targetAttribute.placeholdersOnly && !placeholderNames.Contains(attachmentPath)) { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(menuPath)); } else { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(menuPath), name == property.stringValue, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(name, property)); } } } } } } [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(SpineBone))] public class SpineBoneDrawer : SpineTreeItemDrawerBase { protected override Texture2D Icon { get { return SpineEditorUtilities.Icons.bone; } } protected override void PopulateMenu (GenericMenu menu, SerializedProperty property, SpineBone targetAttribute, SkeletonData data) { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(skeletonDataAsset.name)); menu.AddSeparator(""); if (TargetAttribute.includeNone) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(NoneString), string.IsNullOrEmpty(property.stringValue), HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(string.Empty, property)); for (int i = 0; i < data.Bones.Count; i++) { string name = data.Bones.Items[i].Name; if (name.StartsWith(targetAttribute.startsWith, StringComparison.Ordinal)) menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(name), name == property.stringValue, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(name, property)); } } } [CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(SpineAtlasRegion))] public class SpineAtlasRegionDrawer : PropertyDrawer { SerializedProperty atlasProp; protected SpineAtlasRegion TargetAttribute { get { return (SpineAtlasRegion)attribute; } } public override void OnGUI (Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { if (property.propertyType != SerializedPropertyType.String) { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "ERROR:", "May only apply to type string"); return; } string atlasAssetFieldName = TargetAttribute.atlasAssetField; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(atlasAssetFieldName)) atlasAssetFieldName = "atlasAsset"; atlasProp = property.FindBaseOrSiblingProperty(atlasAssetFieldName); if (atlasProp == null) { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "ERROR:", "Must have AtlasAsset variable!"); return; } else if (atlasProp.objectReferenceValue == null) { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "ERROR:", "Atlas variable must not be null!"); return; } else if (atlasProp.objectReferenceValue.GetType() != typeof(AtlasAsset)) { EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "ERROR:", "Atlas variable must be of type AtlasAsset!"); } position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, label); if (GUI.Button(position, property.stringValue, EditorStyles.popup)) Selector(property); } void Selector (SerializedProperty property) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); AtlasAsset atlasAsset = (AtlasAsset)atlasProp.objectReferenceValue; Atlas atlas = atlasAsset.GetAtlas(); FieldInfo field = typeof(Atlas).GetField("regions", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); List regions = (List)field.GetValue(atlas); for (int i = 0; i < regions.Count; i++) { string name = regions[i].name; menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(name), name == property.stringValue, HandleSelect, new SpineDrawerValuePair(name, property)); } menu.ShowAsContext(); } static void HandleSelect (object val) { var pair = (SpineDrawerValuePair)val; pair.property.stringValue = pair.str; pair.property.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } }