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using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace MU3
// Token: 0x02000739 RID: 1849
public class MotionEffectInstance
// Token: 0x06002FB3 RID: 12211 RVA: 0x000FE618 File Offset: 0x000FE618
public MotionEffectInstance(MotionEffectDefine effectDefine, MotionEffectBase effectInstance)
this.effectDefine = effectDefine;
this._effectInstance = effectInstance;
if (effectDefine.isSetPosition)
if (effectDefine.isSetRotation)
// Token: 0x06002FB4 RID: 12212 RVA: 0x000FE674 File Offset: 0x000FE674
public static MotionEffectInstance create(MotionEffectDefine effectDefine)
MotionEffectInstance result = null;
GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(effectDefine.prefab);
if (gameObject != null)
ParticleSystem componentInChildren = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<ParticleSystem>();
if (componentInChildren != null)
MotionEffectShuriken motionEffectShuriken = new MotionEffectShuriken();
result = new MotionEffectInstance(effectDefine, motionEffectShuriken);
MotionEffectSimple motionEffectSimple = new MotionEffectSimple();
result = new MotionEffectInstance(effectDefine, motionEffectSimple);
return result;
// Token: 0x06002FB5 RID: 12213 RVA: 0x000FE6E4 File Offset: 0x000FE6E4
public void play()
this.isPlaying = true;
// Token: 0x06002FB6 RID: 12214 RVA: 0x000FE6F8 File Offset: 0x000FE6F8
public void stop()
this.isPlaying = false;
// Token: 0x06002FB7 RID: 12215 RVA: 0x000FE70C File Offset: 0x000FE70C
public void destroy()
this.isDestroyed = true;
this.isPlaying = false;
// Token: 0x06002FB8 RID: 12216 RVA: 0x000FE728 File Offset: 0x000FE728
public void execute()
this._duration += Time.deltaTime;
if (this.effectDefine.isFollow)
if (this.effectDefine.isSetPosition)
if (this.effectDefine.isSetRotation)
if (this.isPlaying && this._duration > this.effectDefine.minimumLife && this._effectInstance.isFinished())
else if (this.effectDefine.isDestoryByScale && this.effectDefine.scaleTransform != null)
if (this.effectDefine.scaleTransform.lossyScale.magnitude * 0.57735026f < this.effectDefine.scaleThreashold)
this._isOnceBelowScaleThreashold = true;
else if (this._isOnceBelowScaleThreashold)
// Token: 0x17000702 RID: 1794
// (get) Token: 0x06002FB9 RID: 12217 RVA: 0x000FE850 File Offset: 0x000FE850
// (set) Token: 0x06002FBA RID: 12218 RVA: 0x000FE858 File Offset: 0x000FE858
public MotionEffectDefine effectDefine { get; private set; }
// Token: 0x17000703 RID: 1795
// (get) Token: 0x06002FBB RID: 12219 RVA: 0x000FE864 File Offset: 0x000FE864
// (set) Token: 0x06002FBC RID: 12220 RVA: 0x000FE86C File Offset: 0x000FE86C
public bool isPlaying { get; private set; }
// Token: 0x17000704 RID: 1796
// (get) Token: 0x06002FBD RID: 12221 RVA: 0x000FE878 File Offset: 0x000FE878
// (set) Token: 0x06002FBE RID: 12222 RVA: 0x000FE880 File Offset: 0x000FE880
public bool isDestroyed { get; private set; }
// Token: 0x04005537 RID: 21815
private const float ScaleCoeff = 0.57735026f;
// Token: 0x0400553B RID: 21819
private MotionEffectBase _effectInstance;
// Token: 0x0400553C RID: 21820
private float _duration;
// Token: 0x0400553D RID: 21821
private bool _isOnceBelowScaleThreashold;