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using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FX
// Token: 0x02000769 RID: 1897
public class FX_ch_002009 : MonoBehaviour
// Token: 0x0600305B RID: 12379 RVA: 0x00103CD4 File Offset: 0x00103CD4
private void Start()
if (this._parent != null)
GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.GenerateObject);
gameObject.transform.position = this._parent.transform.position + gameObject.transform.position;
gameObject.transform.parent = this._parent.transform;
this.animator = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
Renderer component = gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>();
this._material = ((!(component != null)) ? null : component.material);
this._propertyID_ValueName1 = Shader.PropertyToID(this.valueName1);
this._propertyID_ValueName2 = Shader.PropertyToID(this.valueName2);
// Token: 0x0600305C RID: 12380 RVA: 0x00103D94 File Offset: 0x00103D94
private void Update()
this.talePosition[0] = (this.talePosition[0] + this.previousWorldPosition - base.gameObject.transform.position) *;
if (Mathf.Abs(this.talePosition[0].x) >= 1f)
this.talePosition[0].x = Mathf.Sign(this.talePosition[0].x);
this.talePosition[1].x = Mathf.Abs(this.talePosition[0].x) - Mathf.Abs(this.talePosition[1].x);
if (Mathf.Abs(this.talePosition[0].x) <= 0.001f)
this.talePosition[0].x = 0f;
if (Mathf.Abs(this.talePosition[1].x) <= 0.001f)
this.talePosition[1].x = 0f;
if (this._material != null)
this._material.SetFloat(this._propertyID_ValueName1, this.talePosition[0].x);
this._material.SetFloat(this._propertyID_ValueName2, this.talePosition[1].x);
this.previousWorldPosition = base.gameObject.transform.position;
this.talePosition[1] = this.talePosition[0];
// Token: 0x0600305D RID: 12381 RVA: 0x00103F6C File Offset: 0x00103F6C
private void TriggerEffectMotion(string _string)
// Token: 0x040056AA RID: 22186
private GameObject GenerateObject;
// Token: 0x040056AB RID: 22187
private GameObject _parent;
// Token: 0x040056AC RID: 22188
private Vector3 previousWorldPosition;
// Token: 0x040056AD RID: 22189
private Vector3[] talePosition = new Vector3[2];
// Token: 0x040056AE RID: 22190
private float sk = 0.97f;
// Token: 0x040056AF RID: 22191
private string valueName1 = "_talePosition1";
// Token: 0x040056B0 RID: 22192
private string valueName2 = "_talePosition2";
// Token: 0x040056B1 RID: 22193
private Material _material;
// Token: 0x040056B2 RID: 22194
private int _propertyID_ValueName1;
// Token: 0x040056B3 RID: 22195
private int _propertyID_ValueName2;
// Token: 0x040056B4 RID: 22196
private Animator animator;