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403 lines
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using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace MU3.Sys
// Token: 0x02000C2B RID: 3115
public static class Const
// Token: 0x04008384 RID: 33668
public const float ScreenWidth = 1080f;
// Token: 0x04008385 RID: 33669
public const float ScreenHeight = 1920f;
// Token: 0x04008386 RID: 33670
public static readonly Vector2 ScreenSize = new Vector2(1080f, 1920f);
// Token: 0x04008387 RID: 33671
public const long GuestUserIDBase = 281474976710657L;
// Token: 0x04008388 RID: 33672
public const uint GameID = 5522500U;
// Token: 0x04008389 RID: 33673
public const int ErrorNo_CodeReader_NotFound = 3100;
// Token: 0x0400838A RID: 33674
public const int ErrorNo_CodeReader_InitializeFailed = 3101;
// Token: 0x0400838B RID: 33675
public const int ErrorNo_GroupRole_DuplicateParent = 3201;
// Token: 0x0400838C RID: 33676
public const int ErrorNo_InvalidLeverRange = 3301;
// Token: 0x0400838D RID: 33677
public const int MaxCardRequestCount = 50;
// Token: 0x0400838E RID: 33678
public const int MaxCharacterRequestCount = 50;
// Token: 0x0400838F RID: 33679
public const int MaxMusicRequestCount = 50;
// Token: 0x04008390 RID: 33680
public const int MaxItemRequestCount = 100;
// Token: 0x04008391 RID: 33681
public const int Login_Error = -1;
// Token: 0x04008392 RID: 33682
public const int Login_None = 0;
// Token: 0x04008393 RID: 33683
public const int Login_Success = 1;
// Token: 0x04008394 RID: 33684
public const int Layer_Default = 0;
// Token: 0x04008395 RID: 33685
public const int Layer_UI = 5;
// Token: 0x04008396 RID: 33686
public const int Layer_Player = 8;
// Token: 0x04008397 RID: 33687
public const int Layer_Ally = 8;
// Token: 0x04008398 RID: 33688
public const int Layer_Enemy = 11;
// Token: 0x04008399 RID: 33689
public const int Layer_UI_System = 16;
// Token: 0x0400839A RID: 33690
public const int Layer_BackgroundMerge = 27;
// Token: 0x0400839B RID: 33691
public const int Layer_FX_3DCharaMask = 28;
// Token: 0x0400839C RID: 33692
public const int Layer_FX_Gate = 29;
// Token: 0x0400839D RID: 33693
public const int Layer_FX_BackGround = 30;
// Token: 0x0400839E RID: 33694
public const int Layer_BackGround = 31;
// Token: 0x0400839F RID: 33695
public const int MinDeckCount = 5;
// Token: 0x040083A0 RID: 33696
public const int MaxDeckCount = 10;
// Token: 0x040083A1 RID: 33697
public const string PreloadShaders = "preloadshaders";
// Token: 0x040083A2 RID: 33698
public const string BackgroundName = "Background";
// Token: 0x040083A3 RID: 33699
public const string TestString_Good = "GOOD";
// Token: 0x040083A4 RID: 33700
public const string TestString_Bad = "BAD";
// Token: 0x040083A5 RID: 33701
public const string TestString_Check = "CHECK";
// Token: 0x040083A6 RID: 33702
public const string TestString_NA = "N/A";
// Token: 0x040083A7 RID: 33703
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_MainTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_MainTex");
// Token: 0x040083A8 RID: 33704
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_BloomTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_BloomTex");
// Token: 0x040083A9 RID: 33705
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_DecalTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_DecalTex");
// Token: 0x040083AA RID: 33706
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_ShadowColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_ShadowColor");
// Token: 0x040083AB RID: 33707
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_HightlightSphere = Shader.PropertyToID("_HighlightSphere");
// Token: 0x040083AC RID: 33708
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_HightlightUp = Shader.PropertyToID("_HighlightUp");
// Token: 0x040083AD RID: 33709
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_ModifiedColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_ModifiedColor");
// Token: 0x040083AE RID: 33710
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_ModifiedBrightness = Shader.PropertyToID("_Brightness");
// Token: 0x040083AF RID: 33711
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_ModifiedBlendRate = Shader.PropertyToID("_BlendRate");
// Token: 0x040083B0 RID: 33712
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_ColorAdd = Shader.PropertyToID("_ColorAdd");
// Token: 0x040083B1 RID: 33713
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_OutlineColorAdd = Shader.PropertyToID("_EdgeColorAdd");
// Token: 0x040083B2 RID: 33714
public static readonly int ShaderPropertyID_OutlineColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_EdgeColor");
// Token: 0x040083B3 RID: 33715
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Idle = Animator.StringToHash("Idle");
// Token: 0x040083B4 RID: 33716
public static readonly int AnimatorID_idle = Animator.StringToHash("idle");
// Token: 0x040083B5 RID: 33717
public static readonly int AnimatorID_AttackA = Animator.StringToHash("Attack_A");
// Token: 0x040083B6 RID: 33718
public static readonly int AnimatorID_AttackA002 = Animator.StringToHash("Attack_A_002");
// Token: 0x040083B7 RID: 33719
public static readonly int AnimatorID_AttackA003 = Animator.StringToHash("Attack_A_003");
// Token: 0x040083B8 RID: 33720
public static readonly int AnimatorID_AttackA004 = Animator.StringToHash("Attack_A_004");
// Token: 0x040083B9 RID: 33721
public static readonly int AnimatorID_AttackB = Animator.StringToHash("Attack_B");
// Token: 0x040083BA RID: 33722
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Damage = Animator.StringToHash("Damage");
// Token: 0x040083BB RID: 33723
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Dead = Animator.StringToHash("Dead");
// Token: 0x040083BC RID: 33724
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Overkill = Animator.StringToHash("Overkill");
// Token: 0x040083BD RID: 33725
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Turn = Animator.StringToHash("Turn");
// Token: 0x040083BE RID: 33726
public static readonly int AnimatorID_OverkillRatio = Animator.StringToHash("Overkill_ratio");
// Token: 0x040083BF RID: 33727
public static readonly int AnimatorID_BattleStart = Animator.StringToHash("BattleStart");
// Token: 0x040083C0 RID: 33728
public static readonly int AnimatorID_BattleStartBoss = Animator.StringToHash("BattleStartBoss");
// Token: 0x040083C1 RID: 33729
public static readonly int AnimatorID_BattleStartPlayer = Animator.StringToHash("BattleStartPlayer");
// Token: 0x040083C2 RID: 33730
public static readonly int AnimatorID_BattleResult = Animator.StringToHash("BattleResult");
// Token: 0x040083C3 RID: 33731
public static readonly int AnimatorID_BattleFinish1st = Animator.StringToHash("BattleFinish1st");
// Token: 0x040083C4 RID: 33732
public static readonly int AnimatorID_BattleFinish2nd = Animator.StringToHash("BattleFinish2nd");
// Token: 0x040083C5 RID: 33733
public static readonly int AnimatorID_EventStep = Animator.StringToHash("EventStep");
// Token: 0x040083C6 RID: 33734
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Position = Animator.StringToHash("Position");
// Token: 0x040083C7 RID: 33735
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Holding = Animator.StringToHash("Holding");
// Token: 0x040083C8 RID: 33736
public static readonly int AnimatorID_DamageControl = Animator.StringToHash("Damage_Scale");
// Token: 0x040083C9 RID: 33737
public static readonly int AnimatorID_PlayStart = Animator.StringToHash("PlayStart");
// Token: 0x040083CA RID: 33738
public static readonly int AnimatorID_PlayFinish = Animator.StringToHash("PlayFinish");
// Token: 0x040083CB RID: 33739
public static readonly int AnimatorID_RoomAwake = Animator.StringToHash("RoomAwake");
// Token: 0x040083CC RID: 33740
public static readonly int AnimatorID_RoomPresent = Animator.StringToHash("RoomPresent");
// Token: 0x040083CD RID: 33741
public static readonly int AnimatorID_RoomFavorite = Animator.StringToHash("RoomFavorite");
// Token: 0x040083CE RID: 33742
public static readonly int AnimatorID_RoomJoy = Animator.StringToHash("RoomJoy");
// Token: 0x040083CF RID: 33743
public static readonly int AnimatorID_RoomFaint = Animator.StringToHash("RoomFaint");
// Token: 0x040083D0 RID: 33744
public static readonly int AnimatorID_OnFocus = Animator.StringToHash("OnFocus");
// Token: 0x040083D1 RID: 33745
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Decided = Animator.StringToHash("Decided");
// Token: 0x040083D2 RID: 33746
public static readonly int AnimatorID_PressAction = Animator.StringToHash("PressAction");
// Token: 0x040083D3 RID: 33747
public static readonly int AnimatorID_State = Animator.StringToHash("State");
// Token: 0x040083D4 RID: 33748
public static readonly int AnimatorID_StrongState = Animator.StringToHash("StrongState");
// Token: 0x040083D5 RID: 33749
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Kind = Animator.StringToHash("Kind");
// Token: 0x040083D6 RID: 33750
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Mode = Animator.StringToHash("Mode");
// Token: 0x040083D7 RID: 33751
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Skip = Animator.StringToHash("Skip");
// Token: 0x040083D8 RID: 33752
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Start = Animator.StringToHash("Start");
// Token: 0x040083D9 RID: 33753
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Stop = Animator.StringToHash("Stop");
// Token: 0x040083DA RID: 33754
public static readonly int AnimatorID_In = Animator.StringToHash("In");
// Token: 0x040083DB RID: 33755
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Out = Animator.StringToHash("Out");
// Token: 0x040083DC RID: 33756
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Next = Animator.StringToHash("Next");
// Token: 0x040083DD RID: 33757
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Loop = Animator.StringToHash("Loop");
// Token: 0x040083DE RID: 33758
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Lock = Animator.StringToHash("Lock");
// Token: 0x040083DF RID: 33759
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Blank = Animator.StringToHash("Blank");
// Token: 0x040083E0 RID: 33760
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Active = Animator.StringToHash("Active");
// Token: 0x040083E1 RID: 33761
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Enable = Animator.StringToHash("Enable");
// Token: 0x040083E2 RID: 33762
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Disable = Animator.StringToHash("Disable");
// Token: 0x040083E3 RID: 33763
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Limit = Animator.StringToHash("Limit");
// Token: 0x040083E4 RID: 33764
public static readonly int AnimatorID_New = Animator.StringToHash("New");
// Token: 0x040083E5 RID: 33765
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Beginner = Animator.StringToHash("Beginner");
// Token: 0x040083E6 RID: 33766
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Intermediate = Animator.StringToHash("Intermediate");
// Token: 0x040083E7 RID: 33767
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Senior = Animator.StringToHash("Senior");
// Token: 0x040083E8 RID: 33768
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Custom = Animator.StringToHash("Custom");
// Token: 0x040083E9 RID: 33769
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Credit0 = Animator.StringToHash("Credit0");
// Token: 0x040083EA RID: 33770
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Credit1 = Animator.StringToHash("Credit1");
// Token: 0x040083EB RID: 33771
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Credit2 = Animator.StringToHash("Credit2");
// Token: 0x040083EC RID: 33772
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Credit3 = Animator.StringToHash("Credit3");
// Token: 0x040083ED RID: 33773
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Push = Animator.StringToHash("Push");
// Token: 0x040083EE RID: 33774
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Reset = Animator.StringToHash("Reset");
// Token: 0x040083EF RID: 33775
public static readonly int AnimatorID_SelectedLoop = Animator.StringToHash("Selected_Loop");
// Token: 0x040083F0 RID: 33776
public static readonly int AnimatorID_WindowLoop = Animator.StringToHash("window_loop");
// Token: 0x040083F1 RID: 33777
public static readonly int AnimatorID_WindowOut = Animator.StringToHash("window_out");
// Token: 0x040083F2 RID: 33778
public static readonly int AnimatorID_MoveRight = Animator.StringToHash("MoveRight");
// Token: 0x040083F3 RID: 33779
public static readonly int AnimatorID_MoveLeft = Animator.StringToHash("MoveLeft");
// Token: 0x040083F4 RID: 33780
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Danger = Animator.StringToHash("Danger");
// Token: 0x040083F5 RID: 33781
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Cursor = Animator.StringToHash("Cursor");
// Token: 0x040083F6 RID: 33782
public static readonly int AnimatorID_ExpUp = Animator.StringToHash("ExpUp");
// Token: 0x040083F7 RID: 33783
public static readonly int AnimatorID_StartNumOff = Animator.StringToHash("Start_NumOff");
// Token: 0x040083F8 RID: 33784
public static readonly int AnimatorID_MoveInEventInfo = Animator.StringToHash("MoveInEventInfo");
// Token: 0x040083F9 RID: 33785
public static readonly int AnimatorID_LevelUp = Animator.StringToHash("LevelUp");
// Token: 0x040083FA RID: 33786
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Transition_loop = Animator.StringToHash("Transition_loop");
// Token: 0x040083FB RID: 33787
public static readonly int AnimatorID_VS_loop = Animator.StringToHash("VS_loop");
// Token: 0x040083FC RID: 33788
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Shake = Animator.StringToHash("Shake");
// Token: 0x040083FD RID: 33789
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Boost = Animator.StringToHash("Boost");
// Token: 0x040083FE RID: 33790
public static readonly int AnimatorID_MainReward = Animator.StringToHash("MainReward");
// Token: 0x040083FF RID: 33791
public static readonly int AnimatorID_VoiceNo = Animator.StringToHash("VoiceNo");
// Token: 0x04008400 RID: 33792
public static readonly int AnimatorID_NoActive = Animator.StringToHash("NoActive");
// Token: 0x04008401 RID: 33793
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Goal = Animator.StringToHash("Goal");
// Token: 0x04008402 RID: 33794
public static readonly int AnimatorID_Clear = Animator.StringToHash("Clear");
// Token: 0x04008403 RID: 33795
public static readonly int AnimatorID_NoCardLoop = Animator.StringToHash("noCard_loop");
// Token: 0x04008404 RID: 33796
public static readonly int AnimatorID_CardIn = Animator.StringToHash("Card_in");
// Token: 0x04008405 RID: 33797
public static readonly int AnimatorID_CardOut = Animator.StringToHash("Card_out");
// Token: 0x04008406 RID: 33798
public static readonly int AnimatorID_CardLoop = Animator.StringToHash("Card_loop");