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using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace MU3
// Token: 0x020004DF RID: 1247
public struct SimpleKDTree
// Token: 0x06001ED0 RID: 7888 RVA: 0x000C2B88 File Offset: 0x000C2B88
public void initialize(SwingJointColliderInformation[] information)
this.wholeInformation_ = information;
this.information_ = new SwingJointColliderInformation[this.wholeInformation_.Length << 1];
// Token: 0x06001ED1 RID: 7889 RVA: 0x000C2BA8 File Offset: 0x000C2BA8
public void update(Transform trans)
Vector3 forward = trans.forward;
this.plane_ = new Plane(trans.position, forward);
this.numRight_ = 0;
this.numLeft_ = 0;
int num = this.wholeInformation_.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < this.wholeInformation_.Length; i++)
int sideOfPlane = this.wholeInformation_[i].getSideOfPlane(ref this.plane_);
if (sideOfPlane != 0)
if (sideOfPlane != 1)
if (sideOfPlane == 2)
this.information_[this.numRight_] = this.wholeInformation_[i];
this.information_[num] = this.wholeInformation_[i];
// Token: 0x06001ED2 RID: 7890 RVA: 0x000C2CA8 File Offset: 0x000C2CA8
public SwingJointColliderInformation[] getCollideCandidates(out int start, out int end, Vector3 position, float radius)
float num =;
int num2;
if (0f <= num)
num2 = ((num > radius) ? 2 : 1);
num2 = ((-radius > num) ? 0 : 1);
if (num2 == 0)
start = this.wholeInformation_.Length;
end = start + this.numLeft_;
return this.information_;
if (num2 != 1)
start = 0;
end = this.numRight_;
return this.information_;
start = 0;
end = this.wholeInformation_.Length;
return this.wholeInformation_;
// Token: 0x06001ED3 RID: 7891 RVA: 0x000C2D48 File Offset: 0x000C2D48
public void onDrawGizmos()
// Token: 0x040048E6 RID: 18662
private Plane plane_;
// Token: 0x040048E7 RID: 18663
private int numRight_;
// Token: 0x040048E8 RID: 18664
private int numLeft_;
// Token: 0x040048E9 RID: 18665
private SwingJointColliderInformation[] wholeInformation_;
// Token: 0x040048EA RID: 18666
private SwingJointColliderInformation[] information_;