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using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FX
// Token: 0x0200076C RID: 1900
public class FX_ch_035001 : MonoBehaviour
// Token: 0x06003064 RID: 12388 RVA: 0x0010408C File Offset: 0x0010408C
private void Start()
if (this._parent.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < this._parent.Length; i++)
GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.GenerateObject);
gameObject.transform.position = this._parent[i].transform.position;
gameObject.transform.parent = this._parent[i].transform;
gameObject.transform.localRotation = this.GenerateObject.transform.localRotation;
// Token: 0x06003065 RID: 12389 RVA: 0x0010411C File Offset: 0x0010411C
private void Update()
GetAllChildren.MapComponentsInChildren<FX_ch_035001_Trail>(base.transform, delegate(FX_ch_035001_Trail targetComponent)
if (null == targetComponent)
targetComponent.value = this._value;
// Token: 0x040056BA RID: 22202
private GameObject GenerateObject;
// Token: 0x040056BB RID: 22203
private GameObject[] _parent;
// Token: 0x040056BC RID: 22204
[Range(0f, 1f)]
private float _value;