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using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FX
// Token: 0x0200076D RID: 1901
public class FX_ch_035001_Trail : MonoBehaviour
// Token: 0x06003068 RID: 12392 RVA: 0x00104180 File Offset: 0x00104180
private void Start()
this.pID = Shader.PropertyToID(this.valueName);
this.pID2 = Shader.PropertyToID(this.valueName2); = base.GetComponent<TrailRenderer>();
// Token: 0x06003069 RID: 12393 RVA: 0x001041B0 File Offset: 0x001041B0
private void Update()
{[0].SetFloat(this.pID, this.value);
float x = base.transform.position.x;[0].SetFloat(this.pID2, x);
// Token: 0x040056BD RID: 22205
private int pID;
// Token: 0x040056BE RID: 22206
private int pID2;
// Token: 0x040056BF RID: 22207
private TrailRenderer tr;
// Token: 0x040056C0 RID: 22208
public float value = 1f;
// Token: 0x040056C1 RID: 22209
private string valueName = "_Opacity";
// Token: 0x040056C2 RID: 22210
private string valueName2 = "_AbsPosX";