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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FX
// Token: 0x02000770 RID: 1904
public static class GetAllChildren
// Token: 0x0600306F RID: 12399 RVA: 0x00104638 File Offset: 0x00104638
public static List<GameObject> GetAll(this GameObject obj)
List<GameObject> result = new List<GameObject>();
GetAllChildren.GetChildren(obj, ref result);
return result;
// Token: 0x06003070 RID: 12400 RVA: 0x00104654 File Offset: 0x00104654
public static void GetChildren(GameObject obj, ref List<GameObject> allChildren)
Transform componentInChildren = obj.GetComponentInChildren<Transform>();
if (componentInChildren.childCount == 0)
IEnumerator enumerator = componentInChildren.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
object obj2 = enumerator.Current;
Transform transform = (Transform)obj2;
GetAllChildren.GetChildren(transform.gameObject, ref allChildren);
IDisposable disposable;
if ((disposable = (enumerator as IDisposable)) != null)
// Token: 0x06003071 RID: 12401 RVA: 0x001046DC File Offset: 0x001046DC
public static void GetComponentsInChildren<T>(Transform trans, List<T> components) where T : class
for (int i = 0; i < trans.childCount; i++)
Transform child = trans.GetChild(i);
T component = child.GetComponent<T>();
if (component != null)
GetAllChildren.GetComponentsInChildren<T>(child, components);
// Token: 0x06003072 RID: 12402 RVA: 0x00104728 File Offset: 0x00104728
public static void MapComponentsInChildren<T>(Transform trans, Action<T> func) where T : class
for (int i = 0; i < trans.childCount; i++)
Transform child = trans.GetChild(i);
T component = child.GetComponent<T>();
if (component != null)
GetAllChildren.MapComponentsInChildren<T>(child, func);