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7 months ago
from sanic import Blueprint, Request, json, Sanic
from sanic.log import logger
from sanic.exceptions import SanicException
import json as jsonlib
import time
import urllib.parse
import uuid
7 months ago
from utils.crypto import rsa_decrypt, get_rsa_privkey
from utils.crypto import des3_decrypt, des3_encrypt
7 months ago
from utils.crypto import base64_decode, base64_encode, md5
from .model import SdoUser
bp_sdo_v1 = Blueprint("sdo_v1", url_prefix="v1")
@bp_sdo_v1.route("/account/active", methods=["POST"])
7 months ago
async def account_active(request: Request):
return json({ "code": 0, "msg": "ok", "data": { "message": "ok", "result": 0 } })
@bp_sdo_v1.route("/basic/publickey", methods=["POST"])
7 months ago
async def basic_publickey(request: Request):
with open(Sanic.get_app().config["PUBKEY_PATH"], "r") as f:
public_key =
public_key = public_key.replace("\n", "").replace("/", "\\/")
public_key = public_key.replace("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----", "")
public_key = public_key.replace("-----END PUBLIC KEY-----", "")
return json({ "code": 0, "msg": "", "data": { "result": 0, "message": "ok", "key": public_key, "method": "rsa" } })
def encrypt_resp(resp, key):
return base64_encode(des3_encrypt(resp.encode(), key.encode()[:24]))
@bp_sdo_v1.route("/basic/handshake", methods=["POST"])
7 months ago
async def basic_handshake(request: Request):
privkey = get_rsa_privkey()
data = rsa_decrypt(base64_decode(request.body.decode()), privkey).decode()
7 months ago
param = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(data))
rand_key = param["randkey"]
device_id = request.headers["X-DEVICEID"]
ctx = Sanic.get_app().ctx
if not hasattr(ctx, "rand_keys"): ctx.rand_keys = {}
ctx.rand_keys[device_id] = rand_key
logger.debug(f"{rand_key=} {device_id=}")
token = uuid.uuid4().hex
resp = '{"message":"ok","result":0,"token":"' + token +'"}'
encrypted_resp = encrypt_resp(resp, rand_key)
return json({ "code": 0, "msg": "ok", "data": encrypted_resp })
@bp_sdo_v1.route("/account/initialize", methods=["POST"])
7 months ago
async def account_initialize(request: Request):
device_id = request.headers["X-DEVICEID"]
rand_key = Sanic.get_app().ctx.rand_keys[device_id]
logger.debug(f"{rand_key=} {device_id=}")
data = des3_decrypt(base64_decode(request.body.decode()), rand_key.encode()[:24]).decode()
initialize_resp = {
"brand_logo": "",
"brand_name": "",
"daoyu_clientid": "",
"daoyu_download_url": "",
"device_feature": "",
"display_thirdaccout": 0,
"force_show_agreement": 0,
"greport_log_level": "",
"guest_enable": 0,
"is_match": 0,
"log_level": "",
"login_button": [],
"login_icon": [],
"login_limit_enable": 0,
"need_float_window_permission": 0,
"new_device_id_server": "",
"qq_appId": "",
"qq_key": "",
"show_guest_confirm": 0,
"voicetip_button": 0,
"voicetip_one": "",
"voicetip_two": "",
"wegame_appid": "",
"wegame_appkey": "",
"wegame_clientid": "",
"wegame_companyId": "",
"wegame_loginUrl": "",
"weibo_appKey": "",
"weibo_redirectUrl": "",
"weixin_appId": "",
"weixin_key": "",
"brand_logo": "",
"brand_name": "盛趣游戏",
"force_show_agreement": 1,
"greport_log_level": "off",
"log_level": "off",
"login_button": ["official"],
"login_icon": [],
"need_float_window_permission": 0, # 1,
"new_device_id_server": md5(device_id.encode()).hex(),
"show_guest_confirm": 1,
"voicetip_button": 1,
resp = jsonlib.dumps(initialize_resp)
encrypted_resp = encrypt_resp(resp, rand_key)
return json({ "code": 0, "msg": "ok", "data": encrypted_resp })
@bp_sdo_v1.route("/account/login", methods=["POST"])
7 months ago
async def account_login(request: Request):
device_id = request.headers["X-DEVICEID"]
rand_key = Sanic.get_app().ctx.rand_keys[device_id]
logger.debug(f"{rand_key=} {device_id=}")
data = des3_decrypt(base64_decode(request.body.decode()), rand_key.encode()[:24]).decode()
param = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(data))
phone, password = param.get("phone"), param.get("password")
if not phone or not password:
raise SanicException("Empty phone or password", status_code=403)
hashed_password = md5((password + "shiosalt").encode()).hex()
logger.debug(f"{phone=} {hashed_password=}")
login_resp = {
"activation": 0,
"autokey": "",
"captchaParams": "",
"checkCodeGuid": "",
"checkCodeUrl": "",
"hasExtendAccs": 0,
"has_realInfo": 1,
"imagecodeType": 0,
"isNewUser": 0,
"message": "ok",
"nextAction": 0,
"prompt_msg": "",
"realInfoNotification": "",
"realInfo_force": 1,
"realInfo_force_pay": 0,
"realInfo_status": 0,
"realInfo_status_pay": 0,
"result": 0,
"sdg_height": 0,
"sdg_width": 0,
"ticket": "",
"userAttribute": "0",
"userid": "",
user, created = SdoUser.get_or_create(phone=phone)
if not created:
if user.password != hashed_password:
return json({ "code": 31, "msg": "密码有误,请联系维护者!", "data": {} })
user_id = user.user_id
user_id = str(int(time.time()))
query = SdoUser.update(user_id=user_id, password=hashed_password) \
.where( == phone)
sifkey = "SIF_" + uuid.uuid4().hex
autokey = "AUTO_" + uuid.uuid4().hex
ticket = "TICKET_" + uuid.uuid4().hex
login_time = int(time.time())
query = SdoUser.update(sifkey=sifkey,
last_login_time=login_time) \
.where( == phone)
"autokey": autokey,
"ticket": ticket,
"userid": user_id
resp = jsonlib.dumps(login_resp)
encrypted_resp = encrypt_resp(resp, rand_key)
return json({ "code": 0, "msg": "ok", "data": encrypted_resp })
@bp_sdo_v1.route("/account/loginauto", methods=["POST"])
7 months ago
async def account_loginauto(request: Request):
device_id = request.headers["X-DEVICEID"]
rand_key = Sanic.get_app().ctx.rand_keys[device_id]
logger.debug(f"{rand_key=} {device_id=}")
data = des3_decrypt(base64_decode(request.body.decode()), rand_key.encode()[:24]).decode()
param = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(data))
autokey = param.get("autokey")
if not autokey:
raise SanicException("Empty autokey", status_code=403)
user = SdoUser.get_or_none(autokey=autokey)
if not user:
return json({ "code": 31, "msg": "账号不存在或者登陆状态已过期!", "data": {} })
user_id, ticket = user.user_id, user.ticket
login_auto_resp = {
"result": 0,
"message": "ok",
"autokey": autokey,
"userid": user_id,
"ticket": ticket
resp = jsonlib.dumps(login_auto_resp)
encrypted_resp = encrypt_resp(resp, rand_key)
return json({ "code": 0, "msg": "ok", "data": encrypted_resp })
@bp_sdo_v1.route("/basic/loginarea", methods=["POST"])
7 months ago
async def basic_loginarea(request: Request):
user_id = ""
if request.form: user_id = request.form["userid"][0]
return json({ "code": 0, "msg": "ok", "data": { "userid": user_id } })