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24 lines
757 B
24 lines
757 B
2 months ago
@REM @echo off
@REM set
@REM set SCRIPT_PATH=C:\users\wlt233\Desktop\Overflow\asset\twitter\
@REM rem 检查 Python 脚本是否正在运行
@REM wmic process where "caption='python.exe' and commandline like ''" get commandline 2>nul | findstr /I "%SCRIPT_NAME%" >nul
@REM if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
@REM echo Script not running, starting...
@REM start "" "C:\Python39\python.exe" "%SCRIPT_PATH%"
@REM ) else (
@REM echo Script running
@REM )
@REM rem 等待 CHECK_INTERVAL 秒后再次检查
@REM timeout /T %CHECK_INTERVAL% >nul
@REM goto LOOP
start /wait C:\Python39\python.exe C:\path\to\twitter\
echo script dead... restarting
goto start