import json import time from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime from pprint import pprint import requests from loguru import logger from selenium import webdriver from import By from import expected_conditions as ec from import WebDriverWait USERID, USERNAME, PASSWORD = "", "", "" def login(): global USERID, USERNAME, PASSWORD, DRIVER if not USERID or not USERNAME or not PASSWORD: return None try: options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.set_capability("goog:loggingPrefs", {"performance": "ALL"}) options.add_argument("--headless") driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options) driver.set_page_load_timeout(30) driver.get("") WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until( ec.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input[autocomplete="username"]'))) username_field = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input[autocomplete="username"]') username_field.send_keys(USERNAME) buttons = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'button') buttons[2].click() WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until( ec.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input[autocomplete="on"]'))) userid_field = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input[autocomplete="on"]') if not userid_field.get_attribute("value"): userid_field.send_keys(USERID) buttons = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'button') buttons[1].click() WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until( ec.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input[autocomplete="current-password"]'))) password_field = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'input[autocomplete="current-password"]') password_field.send_keys(PASSWORD) login_button = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'button[data-testid="LoginForm_Login_Button"]') WebDriverWait(driver, 60).until(ec.url_contains('/home')) cookies = driver.get_cookies() cookie_string = "; ".join([f"{cookie['name']}={cookie['value']}" for cookie in cookies]) logger.success(f"Twitter login success for username {USERNAME}\n{cookie_string}") DRIVER = driver return driver except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Twitter login failed for username {USERNAME}: {e}") driver.quit() return None ERROR_COUNT = 0 def get_timeline(url): global ERROR_COUNT, DRIVER"check timeline {url}") try: driver = DRIVER driver.get(url) WebDriverWait(driver, 30).until( ec.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div[aria-label="Timeline: List"]'))) for packet in driver.get_log("performance"): message = json.loads(packet["message"])["message"] if (message["method"] == "Network.responseReceived" and "ListLatestTweetsTimeline" in message["params"]["response"]["url"]): request_id = message["params"]["requestId"] resp = driver.execute_cdp_cmd('Network.getResponseBody', {'requestId': request_id})"checked") ERROR_COUNT = 0 return json.loads(resp["body"]) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"check failed: {e}") ERROR_COUNT += 1 if ERROR_COUNT > 5: driver.quit() login() return {} def parse_timeline(data): entries = data["data"]["list"]["tweets_timeline"]["timeline"]["instructions"][0]["entries"] result = [] for entry in entries: try: result += parse_entry(entry) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"error when parsing entry: {e} {e.args}\n{entry}") result.sort(key=lambda x: x["timestamp"], reverse=True) return result def parse_entry(entry): result = [] entry_id = entry["entryId"] if "list-conversation" in entry_id and not "tweet" in entry_id: for item in entry["content"]["items"]: data = parse_content(item["item"]) if data: result.append(data) elif entry["content"]["__typename"] != 'TimelineTimelineCursor': data = parse_content(entry["content"]) if data: result.append(data) return result def parse_content(content): tweet = content["itemContent"]["tweet_results"]["result"] while not "rest_id" in tweet: tweet = tweet["tweet"] try: data = parse_tweet(tweet) if "quoted_status_result" in tweet: data["quoted"] = parse_tweet(tweet["quoted_status_result"]["result"]) if "retweeted_status_result" in tweet["legacy"]: data["retweeted"] = parse_tweet(tweet["legacy"]["retweeted_status_result"]["result"]) return data except Exception as e: logger.error(f"error when parsing tweet: {e} {e.args}\n{tweet}") return {} def parse_media(media): data = { "url": media["media_url_https"] + "?name=orig", "video": "" } if media["type"] in ["video", "animated_gif"]: variants = [i for i in media["video_info"]["variants"] if "bitrate" in i] variants.sort(key=lambda x: x["bitrate"], reverse=True) if variants: data["video"] = variants[0]["url"] return data def parse_entities(entity): data = { "text": "", "indices": entity["indices"] } if "name" in entity: data["text"] = "@" + entity["name"] if "text" in entity: data["text"] = "#" + entity["text"] if "display_url" in entity: data["text"] = entity["display_url"] return data def parse_card(card): data = {} for v in card["legacy"]["binding_values"]: if "choice" in v["key"] or v["key"] in [ "end_datetime_utc", "unified_card", "summary_photo_image_original"]: value_name = f"{v['value']['type'].lower()}_value" data[v["key"]] = v['value'].get(value_name, "") photo = None if "unified_card" in data: card_data = json.loads(data["unified_card"]) del data["unified_card"] try: for k, v in card_data["media_entities"].items(): if "media_url_https" in v: photo = { "url": v["media_url_https"] + "?name=orig", "video": "" } break except: logger.error(f"error parsing unified_card {card_data}") if "summary_photo_image_original" in data: photo = { "url": data["summary_photo_image_original"]["url"], "video": "" } del data["summary_photo_image_original"] return data, photo def parse_tweet(tweet): # with open("tweet.json", "w") as f: json.dump(tweet, f) while not "rest_id" in tweet: tweet = tweet["tweet"] data = { "rest_id": tweet["rest_id"], "name": tweet["core"]["user_results"]["result"]["legacy"]["name"], "screen_name": tweet["core"]["user_results"]["result"]["legacy"]["screen_name"], "profile_image": tweet["core"]["user_results"]["result"]["legacy"]["profile_image_url_https"], "profile_image_shape": tweet["core"]["user_results"]["result"]["profile_image_shape"], "full_text": tweet["legacy"]["full_text"], "created_at": tweet["legacy"]["created_at"], "timestamp": int(datetime.strptime(tweet["legacy"]["created_at"], '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y').timestamp()), "reply_to": "", "media": [], "entities": [], "quoted": {}, "retweeted": {}, "card": {} } data["profile_image"] = data["profile_image"].replace("_normal.", ".") if "in_reply_to_status_id_str" in tweet["legacy"]: data["reply_to"] = tweet["legacy"]["in_reply_to_status_id_str"] for m in tweet["legacy"]["entities"].get("media", []): data["media"].append(parse_media(m)) for e in ["user_mentions", "hashtags", "urls"]: for m in tweet["legacy"]["entities"].get(e, []): data["entities"].append(parse_entities(m)) data["entities"].sort(key=lambda x: x["indices"][0]) if "card" in tweet: data["card"], _photo = parse_card(tweet["card"]) if _photo: data["media"].append(_photo) return data LATEST_TWEET_ID_DICT = {} LATEST_TWEET_TS_DICT = {} def check_new_tweets(tweets, url): global LATEST_TWEET_ID_DICT new_tweets = [] if url in LATEST_TWEET_ID_DICT: for tweet in tweets: if tweet["rest_id"] == LATEST_TWEET_ID_DICT[url]: break if tweet["timestamp"] < LATEST_TWEET_TS_DICT[url]: break if time.time() - tweet["timestamp"] > 1200: break new_tweets.append(tweet) LATEST_TWEET_ID_DICT[url] = tweets[0]["rest_id"] LATEST_TWEET_TS_DICT[url] = tweets[0]["timestamp"] return new_tweets def filter_tweets(tweets, filter_list): if "only_image" in filter_list: tweets = [t for t in tweets if t["media"]] if "only_origin" in filter_list: tweets = [t for t in tweets if (not t["quoted"]) and (not t["retweeted"])] return tweets def check_timeline(config): data = get_timeline(config["url"]) if data: tweets = parse_timeline(data) new_tweets = check_new_tweets(tweets, config["url"]) return filter_tweets(new_tweets, config["filter"]) else: return [] def main(config): global USERID, USERNAME, PASSWORD USERID = config["userid"] # screenid (@后面那个) USERNAME = config["username"] # 登录用户名或邮箱 PASSWORD = config["password"] # 密码 login() check_list = config.get("check_list", []) check_interval = config.get("check_interval", 42) check_interval_slow = config.get("check_interval_slow", 600) slow_hours = config.get("slow_hours", [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) last_check_time = defaultdict(float) while 1: json_data = {} for group_id, group_config in check_list.items(): group_interval = group_config.get("interval", check_interval) if time.time() - last_check_time[group_id] > group_interval: new_tweets = check_timeline(group_config) if new_tweets: json_data[group_id] = new_tweets last_check_time[group_id] = time.time() if json_data: pprint(json_data) try: resp =["callback_url"], json=json_data, timeout=10) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) if in slow_hours: time.sleep(check_interval_slow) else: time.sleep(check_interval) if __name__ == "__main__": with open("config.json", 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) main(config) # with open("lovelive.json", 'r', encoding="utf8") as f: pprint(parse_timeline(json.load(f)))